Digitization, modernization of the agri-food sector, renewal of the tourism product and energy upgrade for commercial buildings concern the programs that will begin to be implemented within the month. The programs will be funded by the Recovery Fund με την μορφή ειδικών επιδοτήσεων για μικρομεσαίες επιχειρήσεις.Το υπουργείο Οικονομικών, έριξε από την αρχή του χρόνου το weight on private investment from the Recovery Fund in order to create the institutional framework with commercial banks and public evaluators andsmooth the flow of investment. Beginning of the week the last step concerning the operation of the electronic platform has been completed. All of them will be posted there private investment supported by low-interest loans from the Recovery Fund. Based on a relevant ministerial decision, all interested investors should be required to post their proposal on the online platform. This is in order to start the evaluation by the commercial banks and the MIC, for claim funding from 30 to 50%, on the budget of their investment. It is obvious that, in view of the increase in the NDC's(National Documentation Centre) interest rates and - subsequently - the increases in lending rates by commercial banks, the financing of investments through loans from the Recovery Fund, with an interest rate starting from 0.35%, seems particularly interesting for those who have a comprehensive proposal. Investments financed through a Recovery Fund can be combined with the incentives of the investment law, up to a certain limit of state aid.
The programs for smaller businesses from the Recovery Fund
At the same time, however, with the completion of the institutional framework for private investments concerning larger companies that have a bank profile, 3 +1 programs are coming, especially for smaller businesses, which have problems accessing bank lending.
Digital business transformation (programs)
- Το πρώτο πρόγραμμα,αφορά τον ψηφιακό μετασχηματισμό επιχειρήσεων με προϋπολογισμό 375 εκ ευρώ. Μέσω του προγράμματος, θα επιδοτείται σε ποσοστό έως και 100%, ο ψηφιακός μετασχηματισμός των μικρομεσαίων επιχειρήσεων ώστε να βελτιώσουν την λειτουργία τους και την ανταγωνιστικότητά τους ενσωματώνοντας νέες τεχνολογίες:
- electronic payments
- working remotely
- digital office (managing documents, projects, etc.)
- digital marketplace
- cybersecurity, etc. with criteria for the dispersion of aid and an emphasis on covering smaller enterprises as well
Ενίσχυση αγροτοδιατροφικού τομέα
The second programme, which is expected to be activated a few weeks later, concerns support for the agri-food sector. With a budget of 520 million euros θα επιδοτεί αγρότες να στραφούν στην πράσινη γεωργία και την γεωργία ακριβείας, την δημιουργία συνεργασιών ανάμεσα σε ομοειδείς ή συμπληρωματικούς κλάδους που μπορούν να συνδυάζουν επιχειρήσεις και συνεργατικά σχήματα του πρωτογενή, δευτερογενή και τριτογενή τομέα με στόχο την καινοτομία και την εξωστρέφεια. Στις επιδοτήσεις περιλαμβάνεται και η συμβολαιακή γεωργία.
Διαφοροποίηση του τουριστικού προϊόντος από το Ταμείο Ανάκαμψης
The third programme will concern the diversification of the tourist product and will run with a budget of 260 million euros. With the same logic, a subsidy will be provided for the development and diversification of the tourist product, with interventions for:
- Mountain tourism
- Health and Wellness Tourism (exploitation of thermal springs)
- Agrotourism and Gastronomy
- the upgrading of tourist ports
- Diving tourism
- accessibility to beaches
I save by doing business
In June, it is expected to run and the a special energy upgrade program for buildings with commercial uses. This programme is being implemented for the first time. It will run in parallel with the second cycle of the popular "Exoikonomo" program that concerns urban and interurban residences. Το «Eξοικονομώ επιχειρώντας» όπως θα ονομάζεται, θα έχει A total budget of 450 million euros. Μέσα από αυτό αναμένεται να αναβαθμιστούν ενεργειακά περίπου 90.000 ακίνητα εμπορικής χρήσης.