Ανακοινώθηκε ο Προσωρινός Κατάλογος Δυνητικών Δικαιούχων με τη βαθμολογική τους κατάταξη για την 1η περίοδο υποβολών στη Δράση: Ενίσχυση της αυτοαπασχόλησης πτυχιούχων τριτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης (Β Κύκλος).
Provisional list of potential beneficiaries - Content
The Provisional List of Potential Beneficiaries of the Action (APPENDIX II) includes one thousand two hundred and one (1,201) eligible business plans. The total subsidized budget (public expenditure) amounts to 31.285.015,46 euros.
For applications for funding of business plans, the details of which are detailed in ANNEX II of the Decision, they must submit the file with the required supporting documents of Annex IV of the Detailed Call no later than Thursday, 17/05/2018. The file of supporting documents will be submitted to the headquarters of the EFEPAE partner, depending on the region of implementation of the business plan.
The deadline of May 17, 2018 is final, and failure to comply with it leads to the rejection of the business plan.
For those applications for the financing of business plans that are submitted before the above deadline, they will be examined as a priority by EFEPAE and upon the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee, for those business plans that establish their right to be included in the action, the relevant Decision for their inclusion in the Action will be issued immediately.
This decision does not concern a final decision to integrate / reject the business plans in the Action. Therefore, no objections are made to this one.
EFEPAE will inform all interested parties of this decision.