Single Action for State Aid for Research, Technological Development & Innovation: RESEARCH – CREATE – INNOVATE

  Investment amount to qualify

The programme

The programme

The main objective of the single action RESEARCH - CREATE - INNOVATE is to link research and innovation with entrepreneurship and to enhance the competitiveness, productivity and extroversion of enterprises towards international markets, in order to transition to quality innovative entrepreneurship and increase domestic added value.

The aim of this action is to channel directly and effectively the resources available for the promotion of research activities and the implementation of innovations in enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, through a series of interventions.

Objectives of the action:

- Economic growth based on knowledge and sustainable specialisation
- Integrating new knowledge and innovation into existing and new products, services, production systems and value chains
- Linking academic research to market needs and the economy.

A prerequisite for achieving the objectives of the action is the focusing resources and efforts on selected sectors of economic activity and in areas of intervention where potential for entrepreneurship and research excellence is identified in line with the national research and innovation strategy for smart specialisation (RIS3 strategy), at national as well as regional level, in order to modernise, diversify and exploit new opportunities in the Greek economy.

Who it concerns

Who it concerns

Beneficiaries of the Action are:

α) research organisations and "Other entities treated as research organisations"; and
b) Enterprises and "Other entities treated as enterprises". Businesses must be legally established and operate either as legal entities, regardless of their type (e.g. SA, LTD, OE, IKE, Joint Ventures) or as sole proprietorships.

In comparison, for each of the three interventions:

I. Research and Development by Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
The intervention is addressed to existing SMEs regardless of the date of establishment. Potential beneficiaries are either a Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) or Groups of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), independent of each other.

II. Business Partnerships with Research Organizations
This assistance concerns partnerships between existing undertakings, irrespective of their size and date of establishment, and research organisations, the main beneficiaries of which are undertakings.

III. Utilization of Research Results
Potential beneficiaries are existing individual enterprises regardless of size and date of establishment.

Thematic areas of business plans

Program budget

Program budget

The budget of the Public Expenditure of the Single Action for State Aid for Research, Technological Development and Innovation (S&T) is hereby approved. InnovationRESEARCH - CREATE - INNOVATE amounts to 280.000.000€ (Public Expenditure) and will be implemented through three (3) cycles.

The budget (Public Expenditure) of the interventions of the first cycle amounts to 126.000.000€. Indicatively, the total Public Expenditure per cycle and category of intervention:

Indicative Public Expenditure (in €)

  Cycle A Cycle B Cycle C Total
Indicative deadline for submission of proposals MAY 2017 APRIL 2018 APRIL 2019  
Intervention I 25.000.000 17.000.000 14.000.000 56.000.000
Intervention II 90.000.000 60.000.000 50.000.000 200.000.000
Intervention III 11.000.000 7.000.000 6.000.000 24.000.000
Total 126.000.000 84.000.000 70.000.000 280.000.000

The total budget (Public Expenditure) of the interventions of all cycles is distributed to the Regions of the country as follows:

MOST DEVELOPED REGIONS: Eastern Macedonia & Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Central Macedonia, Epirus, Thessaly, Western Greece 151.200.000
REGIONS IN TRANSITION: Western Macedonia, Ionian Islands, Peloponnese, Peloponnese, North Aegean, Crete 42.000.000
REGION IN TRANSITION: Central Greece 7.000.000
MOST DEVELOPED REGION: South Aegean 7.000.000
TOTAL 280.000.000


The total budget of the submitted project proposals must not exceed the upper limit, as set out in the table below, per category of intervention.

I Research and development by SMEs
200.000€ if one company participates


350.000€ if two companies participate

450.000€ if three companies participate

500.000€ if more than three companies participate

II Business Partnerships with Research Organisations
III Exploitation of Research Results

Note that in the case of collaborative projects, the total project budget consists of the sum of the individual budgets of the members. In addition, the public expenditure attributable to each member of the collaborative project (partner) is drawn from its region.


Important dates

Important dates

The start date for the online submission of the Funding Applications in the State Aid Information System for the first cycle is Thursday 23 March 2017 at 15:00 and the closing date is Wednesday 17 May 2017 at 16:00.

The duration of the implementation of the submitted project proposals must not exceed thirty-six (36) months.

It is noted that the date of the start of the implementation period of the project is taken as the date of the adoption of the Decision of Inclusion of the projects.


Necessary supporting documents for submission

Necessary supporting documents for submission

Responsible declaration of N. 1599/1986 (Article 8)
Articles of association (and any amendments) for participating companies, official certificate of incorporation (only for companies)
Balance sheets for the last three years (or equivalent financial data). For companies with less than three years of operation, the balance sheets of the respective years must be submitted (only for companies)
Tax information or certificate of indebtedness for each of the project partners.
✔Statement of Business Data on its status as a Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME)
Official Gazette of Establishment and/or a decision of the competent bodies of the research organisation and/or a relevant extract from the organisation's Operational Regulations on the establishment and operation of the department/institute/laboratory involved in the proposal (only applicable to research organisations and other bodies treated as research organisations in the case of Intervention II)
Signed cooperation agreement of the participating institutions for the joint implementation of the project and the terms of cooperation between them. (valid for collaborative projects)
✔Documents required to assess whether a business is in difficulty (only applicable to businesses)
Documentation of the possibility of separating economic and non-economic activities. (valid only for research organisations and other bodies)

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