The programme
The programme
The Action ECONOMIZE - AUTONOMIZE provides funding for the implementation of interventions aimed at
energy saving
in the domestic building sector, reducing energy consumption and consequently the energy costs of households, with particular attention to low and middle income groups.
It aims beyond energy savings to promote energy independence for households, with new incentives and interventions that encourage the production and storage of energy from renewable sources and the installation of "smart" energy management systems. It is a programme fully adapted to the requirements of the National Energy and Climate Plan, but also to the guidelines of the European Union regarding climate change policies.
Who it concerns
Who it concerns
Eligible Houses
For the needs of the EXECONOMO - AUTONOMO Programme, the following residences are subsidized:
- Single-family dwelling: A single building comprising one property, arranged on one or more levels, with a principal use as a dwelling. The definition of a detached house also includes mixed-use buildings with uses other than residential at the ground floor / semi-basement / mezzanine level with independent access (e.g. shops, workshops etc. with entrance from the street). A PEA is issued:
- for "Whole Building" and use "Detached House" if it is the whole building or
- for "Building unit" and use "Single-family dwelling" if it is the part of the building that relates to the only dwelling of the building.
- Multi-family dwelling: A single building comprising more than one building unit - property with a principal use as a dwelling, in a horizontal and/or vertical arrangement. The definition of a multi-family building also includes residential buildings that include uses other than residential on the ground floor / semi-basement / mezzanine level with independent access (e.g. shops, workshops etc. with entrance from the street). A PEA is issued:
- for "Whole Building" and use "Multi-Family" if it is the whole building or
- that part of the building which relates to all the dwellings in the building.
- Apartment: building unit - property (dwelling) within a building used as a block of flats. A PEA is issued for "Building unit" and use "Multi-family house" and a title for the building unit is indicated (e.g. Apartment A1).
Eligible housing is a single-family house, a multi-family house as well as an individual apartment.
Please note that in no case are properties of the building that are not used for residential purposes (e.g. a shop on the ground floor of the building) eligible.
General Conditions of Residence Eligibility
In order to be considered eligible, a dwelling must meet the following conditions:
- It is used as main residence, as evidenced by the data of the cleared income tax return (E1) of the last three (3) years of the person using it.
- Exists legally. In case the owner of the dwelling does not have a building permit or it does not correspond to the current state of the dwelling, a relevant legal document must be presented, which shows that the dwelling in question exists legally.
- It has been classified on the basis of the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC), which has been issued after 26.11.2017 (27.11.2017 is the activation date of the information system for issuing Energy Performance Certificates based on the KENAK approved by the decision of DEPEA/oik. 178581/30.06.2017, OFFICIAL GAZETTE B' 2367/12.07.2017) in a category lower than or equal to C.
- It has not been deemed to be demolished.
Only natural persons who have a right in rem to an eligible residence [ownership (full or partial) or usufruct] and who meet the income criteria of the Programme are eligible to participate in the EXIKONOMO - AUTONOMO Programme.
The Program grant will be awarded based on the income criteria of the 2019 tax year (cleared tax returns).
The income categories in which the applicants (beneficiaries of the Program) are classified and receive a grant are:
Special cases:
- If the residence for which the application is made, during the 2019 tax year, is rented/available for short-term rental, is vacant, or there is no right of full ownership or usufruct in rem and it has been recently acquired, then only the full owner or usufructuary is eligible to participate in the Programme.
- If there are several beneficiaries of rights in rem in an eligible dwelling, the application is submitted by one of the beneficiaries, after the consent of the others.
For apartment buildings, 2 types of applications can be made:
- Type A: Submitted by the representative of the block of flats and is combined with individual applications for individual apartments that include non-shared energy upgrading interventions in these apartments.
- the apartment building must have been issued a tax registration number (tax number) and have a bank account number
- Resolution of the General Assembly, application by a representative as well as and individual applications by the owners of the apartments
- Energy Performance Certificate that relates to the whole part of the building used as a dwelling.
- Type B: Submitted by the representative of the block of flats and includes only stand-alone improvements to the common areas of a block of flats, not including improvements to the apartments.
- the apartment building must have been issued a tax registration number (VAT number) and must have a bank account number
- Resolution of the General Assembly and submission of an application by a representative
- Energy Performance Certificate for the whole part of the building used as a dwelling
- It concerns only common energy upgrade and self-sufficiency interventions.
Program budget
Program budget
850.000.000€ for all the regions of the country
Amount of subsidy
Amount of subsidy
Maximum aid intensity: 85%
The new EXIKONOMO - AUTONOMO programme now includes 7categories of support, based on the income criteria of the beneficiaries:
The income categories in which the applicants (beneficiaries of the Program) are classified and receive a grant are:

COVID-19 premium:Due to the financial difficulties that have arisen due to the coronavirus pandemic, anadditional +10% is added for applications submitted in the years 2020-2021
Energy premium: For individual apartments and single-family houses of energy category H and Z, an additional 10% is added to the basic subsidy rate, if an upgrade to at least energy category B is achieved.
The income is taken as the "Levy income" of section C2 "Ex. Special levy levy levy" of the income tax return of the tax year 2019.
Expenses subsidized
Expenses subsidized
The maximum eligible budget of interventions per application cannot exceed 50.000 €, including VAT or 100.000 € per Beneficiary Beneficiary Tax ID.
Eligible for the EXECONOMO - AUTONOMO Programme are the interventions carried out after the issuance of the first Energy Performance Certificate (eligibility start date).
The interventions are submitted based on the recommendations of the Energy Inspector and concern the following categories:
1. Replacement of Frames
- Mandatory recycling or disposal of existing frames in legally operating material disposal sites (replace - recycle)
- Possibility of replacing glazing in buildings of protected or historical value or special architecture
2. Installation / replacement of shell thermal cover
3. Upgrade of heating and cooling system
- Thedismantling of oil burners and associated tanks is also considered an eligible intervention
- Eliminates eligibility for oil burners
- Eliminates eligibility for energy fireplaces in Athens and Thessaloniki
4. Domestic Hot Water System using RES
- Mandatory installation for cases where there is no installed DHW system.
5. Energy autonomy interventions
- RES power generation systems
- eligible only if the dwelling is upgraded, with the main energy saving interventions, to an energy category of at least B+.
- Eligible intervention is the installation of PV station only to meet demand (net metering)
- Storage systems
- Eligible only as a complementary intervention in the installation of a new photovoltaic station
6. Electric vehicle charging infrastructure
- CE Certified
- only devices that are suitable, according to ELOT EN standards, and intended for charging electric vehicles in a domestic environment are eligible
7. Smart Home Interventions
Digital systems and technologies that help save energy
- Smart lighting (e.g. smart sockets, low power LED lighting)
- Smart management of the heating/cooling system (e.g. smart thermostats)
- Remote Control (e.g. smart leakage sensors, humidity sensors, etc.)
8. Other Eligible Communal Interventions (Apartment Buildings)
- Elevator upgrade
Eligible only
- the interventions required for the certification of lifts (KYA 28425/2008) and
- the mandatory installation of inverters in elevators in order to achieve a reduction of their energy footprint without affecting their safety and functionality
- Lighting system upgrade
- Replacing lamps with low consumption lamps (e.g. LED)
- Replacement of the timing system with an intelligent management system, depending on time (day/night), brightness, entry/exit point, etc.
- Replacement of the actuation circuit with automation with motion sensors
The maximum eligible budget for energy saving interventions is 1.2 euro per kWh saved
The maximum eligible budget for public interventions in multi-family houses cannot exceed 80.000€.
A prerequisite for inclusion in the program "EXPECONOMO - AUTONOMO" is the performance of an energy inspection by an Energy Inspector, who will issue the required Energy Performance Certificate. The interventions will then be selected according to the findings/results of the inspection, with the aim of achieving maximum energy savings and maximum improvement of the energy efficiency of the dwellings.
After the implementation of the interventions, asecond energy audit will be carried out to check whether the objectives set have been achieved and consequently the corresponding grant.
The Program can cover the cost of the energy inspector's fee, the project consultant's fee and the cost of any studies, while in case of bank borrowing through the Program, the loan is interest-free.
Important dates
Important dates
Applications are submitted electronically through the platform of the EXIKONOMO - AUTONOMO programme.
Applications for eligible homes areexpected to begin on November 30, 2020, on discrete dates by Region.
Finally, for multifamily a discrete budget and the related application launch is expected in January 2021.
Opening of applications
Region of Thessaly: 09.12.2020
Region of Epirus, Ionian Islands: 11.12.2020
Region of Attica: 14.12.2020
Region of Central Greece, Peloponnese: 16.12.2020
Region of Western Greece: 18.12.2020
Region of Crete, B. Aegean, South Aegean Sea: 21.12.2020
Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace: 11.01.2020
Region of Western Macedonia: 13.01.2020
Region of Central Macedonia: 15.01.2020
Apartment buildings: 18.01.2021
The application platform will remain permanently open from 2021 onwards or there will be regular quarterly cycles, known in advance, in order to avoid market surprise and "crowding" phenomena.
There is no pre-scoring, funding applications will be evaluated on a first come, first served basis, according to the date of online submission to
Χρήσιμα αρχεία
Χρήσιμα αρχεία
Presentation of the Programme
Programme Information Note
Pre-publication of Programme Implementation Guide