Interest in the Photovoltaics on Roof subsidy program is rising.
Although the platform for submitting applications for subsidies has not yet been officially opened, the number of households that have applied to the PPP for the reservation of electrical space is nevertheless significant.
According to information, about 3,500 applications from residential consumers for grid connection for both a photovoltaic system and an electricity storage battery have been submitted to the Operator's platform since 23 March, when the pre-publication of the programme's implementation guide was made.
On the 20th of the month, 1,500 applications had been submitted to the DEDDIE, so within a few days the number of entries more than doubled
When the programme opens
The Photovoltaics on the Roof programme is not excluded to officially premiere towards the end of the week. That is to publish the final guide and open the platform for the submission of applications for subsidies.
Photovoltaics on the roof - The beneficiaries
The beneficiaries of the programme are households and farmers who will be able to install their own small photovoltaic system, combined with a storage system (battery).
The total budget of the programme is 200 million euros and the subsidy of the photovoltaic system reaches up to 75% for households and 60% for farmers. The subsidy for battery is 90% and 100%, depending on the income category.
The total subsidy of the photovoltaic system with battery can reach up to €16,000 for households and 10.000. euro for farmers.
Beneficiaries of the programme will be able to see savings on their electricity bills of up to 3,000 euros per year.
Special care is taken for vulnerable households by allocating €35 million exclusively for them, while a special 10% bonus is provided for people with disabilities, single-parent and large families.
The basic requirement for submitting an application is that the applicant must have already concluded a Connection Agreement with the DEDDIE but the photovoltaic station has not been connected.
The application
Each natural person may submit only one application, for a single dwelling - primary or secondary - which has an active domestic electricity supply. Farmers may submit one application for their dwelling and only one application relating to their agricultural electricity supply.
The photovoltaic station can be placed on the roof or the roof of a building (which includes roofs, terraces, facades, shades and pergolas), in ancillary areas of the building or agricultural land (e.g. warehouses and parking spaces), or on the ground.
Households will be required to install a photovoltaic station with a battery, while farmers are given the option to choose to install a photovoltaic station with or without a battery.
The maximum installed capacity of the photovoltaic plant to be subsidised is set at 10.8kW. Similarly, for the battery, the maximum subsidy is set at 10.8kWh.
The battery should be able to deliver at least one hour of the power of the RES station.