Open the platform for the applications from businesses operating in the Administrative Region South Aegean for the 3.000 positions of the 3rd cycle of the Programme of Granting of Businesses for the employment of unemployed persons aged 30 years and over in the Most Developed Regions of the country, with emphasis on women, of the Public Employment Service (DYPA). Applications for the subsidised jobs can be submitted until 30-11-2022 or until the places are exhausted.
The amounts of the wage subsidy and social security contributions for subsidised jobs for unemployed persons of 12 months' duration are as follows:
- 467 euros monthly / 5,598 euros annually for unemployed people aged 30-49
- 560 euros monthly / 6,718 euros annually for unemployed people aged 50 and over
- 606 euros monthly / 7,277 euros annually for long-term unemployed aged 30 and over
- 653 euros monthly / 7,837 euros annually for long-term unemployed aged 50 and over
- 700 euros monthly / 8,397 euros annually for unemployed women aged 30 and over
Businesses interested in participating will submit their application exclusively online. Applications are submitted via the State Aid Information System of the Ministry of Development & Investments at the following address: www.ependyseis.gr/mis.
Then, PES's employment advisors will indicate candidates to the company, according to the unemployed category, the specialty and the required qualifications, and the company will choose among the candidates for recruitment.
A prerequisite is that the company:
- not have reduced its staff in the three months prior to the application
- not have received funding from state aid of more than 200,000 euros in the previous 3 years (current and two previous)
The grant includes the corresponding Christmas and Easter gifts and leave allowances.
The subsidised jobs programme, with a total budget of 26.000.000 euros, is co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund), through the OP. "Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2014-2020". For the Public Call and for more information, interested parties can visit the website of the CIFA: www.dypa.gov.gr .