February 23, 2025 5 min read
PES: Applications for the Youth Entrepreneurship Programme B’ cycle


On Monday 13 February was opened, the platform for the submission of online funding applications for the second cycle of the grant programme for the employment of young freelancers aged 18 to 29 years old, with emphasis on the digital economy, of the DYPA.

The aim of the 12-month action is to promote the self-employment of 1,500 young unemployed people. The ultimate aim is to create sustainable businesses, with a focus on the digital economy.

The 3 instalments

The grant amounts to €14,800 and will be paid in three instalments as follows:

  • 1st installment of 4,000 euros, after the start of activity at the Tax Office
  • 2nd instalment of EUR 5,400, after the end of the first six months of the start-up period
  • 3rd instalment of EUR 5,400,after the end of the second half of the year following the start-up

Beneficiaries of the ERDF programme

Beneficiaries of the action are registered unemployed persons aged 18-29 years old, who apply for funding and submit a business plan proposal through the State Aid Information System (SAIS) of the Ministry of Development and Investment at: https://www.ependyseis.gr.

The project, with a total budget of 45.000.000 euros, is co-financed by the Greek State and the European Social Fund - Youth Employment Initiative under the Operational Programme Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2014 - 2020.

For more information, interested parties can visit the CYPA website: www.dypa.gov.gr.

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