March 4, 2025 5 min read
OP North Aegean 2014-2020 – New Action for the support of existing and new small and medium-sized enterprises


The Call for Proposals for the Action " Support to existing and new enterprises for the exploitation of patents, innovations and new production / business ideas for the improvement of their production activity and/or for the development of new products " was published on 9/12/2019 in the framework of the North Aegean Operational Programme 2014-2020.

Purpose of the Action - OP North Aegean 2014-2020

The main objective of the Action, Strengthening existing and new businesses for the exploitation of patents, innovations and new production / business ideas to improve their production activity and / or for the development of new products from the OP North Aegean 2014-2020 is the strengthening of modernization or expansion existing and new SMEs (SMEs), through technological and non-technological upgrading, with the use of supporting technologies and/or innovation, to improve productivity, quality and innovation at enterprise level, aiming at increasing the added value of the product/service produced and further business development. This action is expected to contribute to the production of new / innovative / advanced (improved) products and services, of high added value, in order to create a competitive advantage of the enterprises of the Region, as well as to the penetration into new markets.

The operations concern SMEs as a matter of priority in the products and services of the priority sectors for the Region, in line with the smart specialisation strategy (RIS3).

The proposed investment project must be located exclusively in the North Aegean Region.

Action Budget - Investment Plan and amount of subsidy

The Public Expenditure of the Action under this Call for Proposals from the OP North Aegean 2014-2020 shall be 3.000.000€ and the subsidized budget of is estimated to amount to about 5.000.000€. The difference between the total (subsidized) budget and the public expenditure is defined as the own contribution, which will be covered by the beneficiaries (enterprises).The private participation of the company in the investment project should not exceed 50% of the average of its turnovers for the last three (3) years, as it results from its published balance sheets or equivalent financial data.

The subsidized budget of each investment proposal of a potential aid beneficiary can range from € 50,000 to € 300,000.

Each potential beneficiary may make an investment proposal with a budget greater than the maximum subsidized budget. In this case, although the excess costs are not subsidized, the entire investment proposal is evaluated and monitored-controlled and all the excess costs are covered exclusively by private participation.

The aid intensity of the investment proposals for the total eligible costs of the investment projects under this Call for Proposals from the OP North Aegean 2014-2020 is 60%. In case of recruitment of new staff for at least one additional (1) SRM of paid employment (the achievement of the target is checked at the final certification), the aid intensity may be raised to 70%. The aid in no case may not exceed the €200,000 limit set by Kahn. 1407/2013.

The eligible costs of the Action shall be included in the following cost categories:

  • Costs for investments in assets:
    • Building infrastructure for the operation of the business
    • Building infrastructure for the protection of the Environment and Energy Saving
    • Machinery
    • Equipment for the Protection of the Environment and Energy Saving
    • Technological upgrading through increased use of ICT
    • Fixtures
    • Systems Certification, Design and Standardization
    • Know-how rights and their utilization for the most effective production of products and services
    • Brand creation
  • Consulting services
  • Aid for participation in fairs and exhibitions
  • Innovation Aid:
    • Expenditure on intangible assets
    • Expenditure on innovation services
    • Knowledge and patents
  • Staff costs (Wage costs of new staff)

The starting time for eligibility of expenditure is defined as the date of publication of the Call.

Deadline for submissions - North Aegean 2014-2020

Start date for the electronic submission of investment projects to the State Aid Management Information System: 12/12/2019, Time 13:00:00

Deadline for the electronic submission of investment plans to the State Aid Management Information System: 31/03/2020, Time 15:00:00

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