On Wednesday, September 22 at 18:00, the deadline for the electronic submission of applications for the admission of students to the 30 Vocational Training Institutes (IEK) of OAED, for the training year 2021-2022, in 41 specialties with high demand in the labor market, expires.
Who is eligible
Δικαίωμα αίτησης έχουν όσοι είναι κάτοχοι τουλάχιστον απολυτηρίου λυκείου ανεξαρτήτως ηλικίας. Η υποβολή των αιτήσεων γίνεται αποκλειστικά ηλεκτρονικά μέσω του gov.gr με τους κωδικούς πρόσβασης TAXIS στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση: https://www.gov.gr/ipiresies/ekpaideuse/eggraphe-se-skholeio/eggraphe-se-iek-tou-oaed.
Συγκεκριμένα η διαδρομή είναι: gov.gr → Εκπαίδευση → Εγγραφή σε σχολείο → Εγγραφή σε ΙΕΚ του ΟΑΕΔ.
The aim of IEK-OAED is to provide quality initial vocational training that meets the needs of the economy and to provide trainees with the appropriate qualifications through the provision of scientific, technical, professional and practical knowledge, enabling them to develop skills that will facilitate their integration into the labor market.
Attendance at IEK-OAED lasts a total of five (5) semesters, divided into four (4) semesters of theoretical and laboratory training of a total duration of up to 1,200 teaching hours of specialization, according to the specific curricula and one semester of Internship or Apprenticeship, with a total duration of 960 hours. IEK-OAED provides graduates (after certification examinations for initial vocational training) Diploma of Professional Specialty Level 5.
Οι ειδικότητες του ΟΑΕΔ για το έτος κατάρτισης 2021-2022
- Sports Journalist
- Nursery Assistant
- General Nursing Assistant
- Intensive Care Nursing Assistant
- Traumatology Nursing Assistant
- Pharmacy Assistant
- Physiotherapy Assistant
- Secretary of Senior and Senior Management
- Graphic Design of Print and Electronic Media
- Rescuer – Ambulance Crew
- Painting Art
- Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Tours
- Music Technology
- Nutrition and Dietetics Executive
- Management and Finance Executive
- Executive in Management and Economics in the Shipping Sector
- Executive in Management and Economics in the Tourism Sector
- Advertising and Product Promotion Executive (Marketing)
- Executive of a Computerized Accounting – Tax Office
- Supply Chain Services Executive (Logistics)
- Photography art
- Hairdressing Technician
- Aesthetic Art & Makeup Technician
- Technician of Aesthetic Podiatry, Nail Grooming and Onychoplasty
- Technical Baker – Confectionery
- Network and Telecommunications Technician
- Renewable Energy Installations Technician
- Ventilation and Air Conditioning Refrigeration Installations Technician
- IT Applications Technician (Multimedia - Web designer - Developer/Video Games)
- Computer Technician
- Theatrical Makeup and Hairstyling Technician
- Animation Technician - Electronic Chart Design
- Culinary Art Technician – Chef
- Technical Engineer of Thermal Installations and Engineer of Oil and Gas Technology
- Mechatronics Technician
- Painting Maintenance Technician
- Garment and Footwear Technology Technician – Fashion Designer
- Technician of Tourist Units and Hospitality Enterprises (Reception Service - Floor - Goods Service)
- Technician of Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics and similar Products
- Handmade Jewelry and Jewelry Design Technician
- Keeper of Museums and Archaeological Sites
Για να βρείτε τα ΙΕΚ-ΟΑΕΔ που λειτουργούν στην περιοχή σας, καθώς και για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, επισκεφτείτε την ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση: https://www.oaed.gr/iek-oaed-arkhiki-epaghghelmatiki-katartisi.