February 23, 2025 5 min read
OAED: The submission of applications for the Special Seasonal Aid of 2021 has begun


Today, Tuesday 14 September from 08:00 the process of submitting online applications for the special seasonal assistance of the OAED year 2021 started. The submission of applications at the Citizen Service Centres (KEP) will start on Monday 20 September. The deadline for applications is Monday 30 November at 14:00. It should be noted that this year the process starts earlier than any other year.

Applications can be submitted electronically through the Single Digital Portal of the State gov.gr, using the TAXISnet codes at the following address: https://www.gov.gr/ipiresies/ergasia-kai-asphalise/anergia/eidiko-epokhiko-boethema-oaed .

Specifically, the route is: gov.gr → Work and insurance → Unemployment → Special seasonal aid OAED

Personal attendance at the Employment Promotion Centers (KPA2) of OAED is not required. The amount of the special seasonal aid ranges from 508.20 euros to 1.016,40 euros and is paid in a lump sum in the quarter September-November of each year.

Who it concerns

Beneficiaries are employees insured in e-EFKA who exercise one of the following professions: Builder, quarryman, limemaker, ceramist, bricklayer, potter, forester, resin collector, tobacco worker, musician - member of the relevant professional association, shoemaker, employed ship repair zone, excavator, hoisting, road construction, drilling machinery operator, actor, cinema and television technician, cinema and theatre operator and assistant, cinema and theatre controller, cinema and theatre treasurer; employed in the tourism and food industry, emery workers, the profession of theatre-cinema usher, dancer-member of the relevant sectoral or homo-professional associations, as well as technician employed in live audiovisual events - member of the relevant sectoral or homo-professional associations.

Beneficiaries are also pensioners who submitted a pension application until 10/9/2021, who in the year 2020 exercised one of the above professions and have the conditions for receiving the aid for the year 2021, if the amount of the pension they receive (main and auxiliary) is less than the amount of 495,75 euros.

In addition, beneficiaries are those who become pensioners from 11/9/2021 onwards, regardless of the amount of their pension, as well as those who enlisted in order to serve their military service from 11/9/2021 onwards, provided of course that they meet the conditions.

The receipt of the decision is done through the individual eServices account of OAED.

Special Seasonal Aid for the year 2021 by profession

Builders, Quarrymen, Limemakers95-210752,14
Potters, Bricklayers50-210711,48
Foresters - Resin collectors50-210711,48
Tobacco workers50-210711,48
Musicians - members of the relevant professional association50-210508,20
Employees of a ship repair zone50-230711,48
Operators of excavation, hoisting, road construction, drilling machinery70-210508,20
Film & TV technicians50-210508,20
Cinema operators and assistants50-210508,20
Cinema & theatre controllers50-210508,20
Cinema & theatre cashiers50-210508,20
Employees in the tourism & food industry75 and not more than 50 from 1/10 -31/12508,20
Emery workers50-2401.016,40
Theatre & film ushers50-210508,20
Dancers - members of the relevant sectoral or occupational associations50-210508,20
Technicians employed in live audiovisual events - members of the relevant sectoral or similar professional associations50-210508,20

For detailed information, terms and conditions, the amount of the aid and the supporting documents, interested parties can visit the following e-mail address: http://www.oaed.gr/eidiko-epochiko-boethema

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