The Employment Agency for Manpower(OAED) is expected to play a central role in the context of the integrated Programme for the Many, designed by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs . The aim is to make the best possible use of the €2.6 billion of resources. euros from the Recovery and Resilience Fund.
Specifically, according to the OAED, the Agency's actions concern resources of more than €2.1 billion. euros. That is, more than 80% of the total actions of the Ministry, through the National Plan "Greece 2.0".
As the OAED states, the combination of necessary reforms and significant investments in active employment policies will contribute crucially to the national recovery effort and the fight against unemployment.
In the effort to support the workforce, training will play an important role as a weapon for the economy of tomorrow. Also, creating equal opportunities for all in a labour market where digital and green skills are a key tool. Tool for labor integration, reintegration and advancement, as well as for increasing productivity.
The actions will absorb more than EUR 1 billion. euro to train 150,000 citizens, by the end of 2022 and a total of 500,000 citizens, by the end of 2025. The funds will be directed to basic digital skills and high-demand sectors and specialisations, with the aim of enabling them to meet the new demands of the labour market.
In order to ensure the efficiency of training, so that the mistakes of the past are not repeated and investments in human capital have the desired - and measurable - result for the country, a comprehensive reform of the institutional framework has been foreseen.
Central axes
- The evaluation
- The certification
- Quality control and transparency of results and outputs
The aim is the continuous improvement of the services provided and the radical revision and modernization of the system for upgrading the skills of the active population.
New strategy of the OAED
The new strategy provides for:
- The systematic and continuous evaluation of providers
- The independently certified acquisition of skills
- The continuous interconnection of training with the needs of the labor market
- Cooperation with high-level and reliable providers
- Payback system, based on results
The reform also provides for the establishment of a National Council for Skills. The aim is to better coordinate and plan and create a National Skills Strategy for an integrated approach with vision, goals and milestones.
The new policies for the unemployed include EUR 540 million. euro for active employment policies, which will create more than 74,000 new jobs. Emphasis will be placed on groups facing the greatest problems of integration and reintegration into the labour market.
Which actions are included with a budget of EUR 92 million? euros
– 15,000 6-month jobs, accompanied by 3 months of intensive training in high-demand sectors (mainly digital economy), with a budget of €92 million; euros
- 12 000 places for work experience for young people aged 18-30, with a budget of EUR 68 million; euro.
- 10,000 jobs aged 1-2 for special and vulnerable groups of the population (e.g. unemployed mothers, long-term unemployed over 55, people with disabilities), with a budget of €111 million. euros
- 10,000 18-month jobs for the long-term unemployed over the age of 45 in pockets of high unemployment, with a budget of EUR 120 million. euros
- 5,000 15-month jobs as part of the development of the green economy, with a focus on women and with a budget of €50 million. euros
Actions will be framed by a reform in the design of active policy programmes, aimed at simplification, a faster recruitment and repayment process, as well as higher absorption and closer linkage to the ever-changing needs of the real economy.
In the area of passive policies, a pilot project worth EUR 104 million will be implemented. euro, to support the unemployed more effectively. Particular emphasis will be placed on the long-term unemployed and with a view to their faster reintegration into work.
Modernisation EUR 274 million euros for the action of the OAED
In addition, EUR 274 million Euro will be invested in equipping, renovating and building new laboratories and infrastructure. Also for updated vocational education and training programs in the upgraded structures of OAED (PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT SERVICE).
These include:
- The revision and modernization of curricula
- The improvement of the quality control of the structures and
- The promotion of collaborations with businesses and institutions of the economy
For the successful implementation of the above, the OAED will be modernized and reinforced with € 101 million. Euro for the training and upgrading of its human resources, as well as its digital and building infrastructure.
Several projects concern:
- The digital transition of the Agency and the creation of new tools for matching supply and demand in the labour market,
- Data collection and analysis, cybersecurity
- System for diagnosing and forecasting the needs of the labour market. The system will provide timely valid data for the design of targeted actions and policies