On Saturday 16 April 2022, the 4th OAED Career Day will take place at the Peace and Friendship Stadium (Peace and Friendship Stadium) from 10:00 to 18:00, in order to give job seekers the opportunity to talk directly with representatives of companies looking for suitable personnel.
75 companies with more than 3,000 jobs of various specialties and specialization levels have already registered to participate. Indicatively, companies from the following sectors participate:
- Trade
- technical services
- Shipping
- Tourism
- health services
- Telecommunications
- IT and digital marketing
- logistics
- facility management
- Education
- security services and security systems, etc.
To see the participating companies and the specialisations they are looking for, visit the website of Public Employment Service at:
https://www.oaed.gr/storage/news/hmera-karieras-peiraias-2022/etairies-idikothtes-4i-hmera-karieras-oaed-stadio-irhnhs-filias-piraias.pdf .
Meetings with company executives will take place throughout the event, with free admission and without a predetermined appointment.
The application form for participation in the OAED Career Day can be found at the following address:
https://www.eventora.com/el/Events/imera-karieras-oaed-peiraias-2022 .
Meetings with company executives will take place throughout the event, without a predetermined appointment. Also, labor consultants and executives of the Service Unit of Medium and Large Enterprises (MEMME) of OAED, will provide interested parties with information about the actions and programs of the Organization.
Entry to the event is free, in strict compliance with health protocols. Οι προσερχόμενοι θα πρέπει απαραιτήτως να προσκομίσουν πιστοποιητικό εμβολιασμού COVID-19 ή πιστοποιητικό νόσησης τελευταίου τριμήνου.
More information on the Agency's website: www.oaed.gr .