February 23, 2025 5 min read
OAED: Applications for the new upskilling actions of 80,000 unemployed


The electronic submission of applications for certification providers for their inclusion in the Register of Certification Providers set up by the Public Employment Service (DYPA, former OAED) has begun, in the framework of the "new generation" upskilling programs for 80,000 unemployed.

OAED budget

The total budget for the programmes amounts to 100 million euros. Η χρηματοδότησή τους θα γίνει από το Ταμείο Ανάκαμψης και Ανθεκτικότητας.

Objective of the Action

The aim of the action is to effectively link training with the needs of the labour market. At the same time, it aims to enhance the employability of the unemployed for their faster labor reintegration.

In particular, providers interested in certifying the knowledge and skills of trainees in "Upskilling and retraining programmes in high-demand sectors with an emphasis on digital and green skills", are invited to apply through the Single Digital Gateway of the Public Administration, gov.gr. Applications shall be submitted in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the relevant invitation for inclusion in the register.

The Public Call is posted at the following address: https://www.oaed.gr/storage/katartisi/tamio-anakampsis/prosklisi-parokhon-pistopiisis.pdf

Η αίτηση συμμετοχής βρίσκεται στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση: https://www.oaed.gr/upskilling-pistopoiisi.

It is recalled that the action concerns the providing theoretical training lasting 50-200 hours to 80,000 unemployed people over the age of 18, leading to acquisition of digital and green knowledge and skills and corresponding certification through independent certification bodies, which will be included in the special Register of Certification Bodies of DYPA if they meet specific quality assurance criteria, as set out in the public call. Applications will be evaluated by committees and providers who meet the terms and conditions will be included in the Registry.

The new programs mark the upgrading of the continuing vocational training of the unemployed, with targeted interventions throughout the process and the stakeholders (training providers, certification providers, trainees, etc.).

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