February 23, 2025 5 min read
OAED: 23/04/2020 the platform for the emergency aid of € 400 to long-term unemployed opens


On Thursday 23/4/2020, a platform is expected to open for the submission of the application for the 400 euro allowance, which will be granted to long-term unemployed persons. By 5 May, the 400 euro allowance is expected to be paid to the long-term unemployed who will submit applications.

Clarifications on the emergency financial aid, amounting to 400 euros, to the long-term unemployed, were given by the governor of the Manpower Employment Organization (OAED) Spyros Protopsaltis, speaking on a show of the MEGA TV station.

As stated, on Thursday, April 23, the platform opens, which will remain open until Sunday, May 3. According to Mr. Protopsaltis, the 168,000 long-term unemployed who meet the conditions can enter it and either register their details or confirm or update the IBAN or not take any action, which is necessary for the payment of 400 euros.

Mr Protopsaltis clarified that the beneficiaries of the emergency financial aid are those who acquired the status of long-term unemployed from 1/4/2019 to 16/4/2020.

Based on the data presented by the OAED commander, out of a total of 168,000 long-term unemployed:

  • 90,000 already have IBAN data registered with the OAED and
  • 78,000 have no registered data

Long-term unemployed - Data entry/confirmation process

The required information that the OAED must have at its disposal in order to proceed with the payment of the allowance of 400 euros are the following:

(a) full name, father's name and maiden name;

(b) the identity card number or passport number in the case of aliens;

(c) the social security number (AMKA);

(d) the tax identification number (TIN);

(e) the number of the individual or joint bank account, as well as the international bank account number (IBAN).

Beneficiaries, i.e. those who have been long-term unemployed for 12 to 24.5 months and have not received long-term unemployment benefit, should visit: https://www.gov.gr/ipiresies/ergasia-kai-asphalise/anergia and select the link: Emergency financial assistance to long-term unemployed.

The payment method of 400 euros will be completed automatically, through direct deposit to the bank accounts of the beneficiaries.

It is noted that regarding the emergency financial assistance of 400 euros to the long-term unemployed, the Minister Mr. Vroutsis, speaking in a broadcast of the television station SKAI, stressed that: "This is about 168,000 long-term unemployed. The payment of the emergency financial aid will begin, after the submission for the IBAN is made from April 23 to May 3. Those who submit a request on the platform of the Manpower Employment Organization (OAED) from April 23 to May 3, will receive, after two days, the 400 euros", he clarified.

Beneficiaries of exceptional aid

The financial support will be received only by the unemployed who have completed 12-month unemployment from April 1, 2019 onwards.Beneficiaries, that is, of 400 euros will be those who became long-term unemployed in the last year, completing more than 12 months in the OAED registers from April 1, 2019 onwards.

In essence, the "young" long-term unemployed are subsidised, i.e. those who crossed the threshold of long-term unemployment in the last year, from 1 April 2019 onwards. This category includes a number of 175,000 long-term unemployed, of which 20,000 are already subsidized with 200 euros per month and have already joined the extension of the subsidy for 2 months (i.e. they already receive 400 euros).

The 155 000 who are not subsidised and were therefore excluded from special aid are also included in the support measures. According to the announcement of the Ministry of Labour, the expenditure for the action is foreseen at EUR 65 million. euros, which will be covered by the budget of the OAED.

The unemployed should, as soon as the platform opens, enter to check that their details are correct, as someone may have changed bank account and the OAED has registered the wrong IBAN.

It is reminded that the extraordinary financial support is tax-free, non-deductible and is not counted in the income limits for the payment of any benefit of a social or welfare nature.

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