February 23, 2025 5 min read
NSRF: Digital upgrade program for accountants – tax consultants


Πρόγραμμα ψηφιακής αναβάθμισης για λογιστές και φοροτεχνικούς εντάσσεται και χρηματοδοτείται από το πρόγραμμα «Ανταγωνιστικότητα - Επιχειρηματικότητα – καινοτομία (ΕΠΑνΕΚ) του ΕΣΠΑ 2014-20. Την ανακοίνωση αυτή έκανε ο υπουργός Ανάπτυξης & Επενδύσεων, κ. Adonis Georgiadis. This was preceded by a meeting with the President of the Economic Chamber of Greece (ECE), Mr. Konstantinos Kollias. The meeting focused on the important role played by this industry.

After the meeting, the Minister, Mr. Adonis Georgiadis made statements about the digital upgrade program and pointed out:

"Accountants during the pandemic crisis have been one of the most essential partners of the state and have helped to speed up procedures and transparently enable businesses to access the necessary financial resources for their survival. Now they have another important project to do, called "My Data", which will speed up the whole process of tax compliance in Greece.

Στα πλαίσια αυτά είμαι περήφανος που οι υπηρεσίες του ΕΠΑνΕΚ και του Υπουργείου Ανάπτυξης & Επενδύσεων κατάφεραν να εξασφαλίσουν, με διαφάνεια και με γρήγορες διαδικασίες, This program that will empower accountants to achieve their immediate digital upgrade and be ready to offer good services to citizens".

For his part, the President of the Economic Chamber of Greece, Mr. K. Kollias said:

"At the Economic Chamber of Greece, It is more than self-evident to constantly support accountants - tax consultants. Especially at this time, when we all know how much weight the industry has borne to implement the support measures for the pandemic, along with the current obligations and the new ones, such as the implementation of MyData. I owe a big thank you to the Minister of Development, Adonis Georgiadis and the services of the Special Secretariat for the Management of ERDF Programs for our cooperation in order to implement an important program for colleagues. We will continue faithfully in this direction, always on the side of economists and accountants – tax consultants".

See more detailed information about the action here.

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