February 23, 2025 5 min read
New training programme for unemployed: innovative methods in the agricultural sector


Applications for the new pilot training programme for 100 unemployed people in the thematic module start today, Wednesday 8 September 2021 at 15:00: Innovative Methods in the Agricultural Sector, through cooperation with the The Centre for Training and Lifelong Learning (KEDIBIM) of the University of Western Macedonia. The program is included in the framework of the new actions of OAED for the continuous upgrading of the skills of the workforce.

The 70-hour program was designed to enhance the skills of unemployed agricultural graduates or young unemployed people. They should be knowledgeable in informatics and automation and are interested in the application of modern and innovative methods in agricultural production.

Who the Innovative Methods are for

The pilot program is aimed at registered unemployed 18-60 years old, graduates of secondary, post-secondary or tertiary education. They should have a degree in related specialties to the subject, as well as have knowledge of computers.

Applications can be submitted until Wednesday 22 September, exclusively online through the Hellenic State's Single Digital Portal www.gov.gr, at the following address: https://www.gov.gr/ipiresies/ekpaideuse/psephiakes-dexiotetes/programma-katartises-kainotomes-methodoi-ston-agrotiko-tomea

Specifically, the route is: gov.gr → Education → Digital Skills → Training Programme "Innovative methods in the agricultural sector"

The program will be implemented with the method of modern distance training, with educational and technical support, which will contribute decisively to the quality of the services offered to the trainees and to the successful completion of the course.

Trainees who will successfully complete the program are awarded a Vocational Education and Training Certificate. The certificate is issued by KEDIVIM of the University of Western Macedonia.

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