February 23, 2025 5 min read
New Integration Decisions – Strengthening the Establishment and Operation of New Tourism SMEs


New ones announced Decisions on the inclusion of State Aid Acts in the context of the call: Support for the establishment and operation of new tourism SMEs, with IPA code 2633 from the Regional Operational Programmes Central Macedonia, Western Greece, Peloponnese, Peloponnese, Thessaly, Sterea Greece, Attica, North Aegean, South Aegean, Ionian Islands, Crete and Eastern Macedonia & Thrace, according to the 4th Amendment of the Announced Call for applications for funding of business plans on 19/12/2018.

Integration decisions - Content

In detail per Regional Operational Programme:

Regional Operational Programme of Western Greece

The Accession Decision concerns the inclusion of 75 projects/operations with a total Public Expenditure of € 11,869,353.18.

Regional Operational Programme of Crete

The Accession Decision concerns the inclusion of 35 projects/operations with a total Public Expenditure of € 5,890,034.19.

Regional Operational Programme of Central Macedonia

The Accession Decision concerns the inclusion of 152 projects/operations with a total Public Expenditure of € 23,930,171.47.

Peloponnese Regional Operational Programme - Integration Decisions

The Accession Decision concerns the inclusion of 49 projects/operations with a total Public Expenditure of € 8,332,272.22.

Thessaly Regional Operational Programme

The Accession Decision concerns the inclusion of 73 projects/operations with a total Public Expenditure of € 11,848,724.02.

Regional Operational Programme of Central Greece

The Accession Decision concerns the inclusion of 13 projects/operations with a total Public Expenditure of € 2,186,782.12.

Attica Operational Programme 2014-2020

The Accession Decision concerns the inclusion of 76 projects/operations with a total Public Expenditure of € 11,818,047.66.

South Aegean Operational Programme - Integration Decisions

The Accession Decision concerns the inclusion of 73 projects/operations with a total Public Expenditure of € 11,820,457.09.

Ionian Islands Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020

The Accession Decision concerns the inclusion of 21 projects/operations with a total Public Expenditure of € 3,481,522.33.

North Aegean Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020

The Accession Decision concerns the inclusion of 63 projects/operations with a total Public Expenditure of € 9,499,974.86.

Regional Operational Programme for Eastern Macedonia & Thrace - Integration Decisions

The Accession Decision concerns the inclusion of 111 projects/operations with a total Public Expenditure of € 17,921,670.18.

The special conditions deriving from the aid regime as well as the obligations arising from the ESIF Regulations bind each beneficiary and are described in the Detailed Call for Action, as applicable.

Beneficiaries have the possibility to submit an online appeal against this decision, via the State Aid Information System, to the EAD ERANEK / EFEPAE, within an exclusive period of twenty (20) calendar days, from the day following the notification to the beneficiary of the issuance of the scoring/inclusion/rejection decision.

EFEPAE will electronically inform each beneficiary separately about its inclusion and in particular about its Technical Annex, which includes a clear and detailed description of the project to be executed, the timetable, its total budget, its sources and funding rate.

The Decisions come a week after the Fourth (4th) Amendment of the Call concerning the Increase of the Budget of the Action from € 120 million. euros to 340 million EUR 100 million. A few days after the 1st Decision on the inclusion of a total Public Expenditure of € 119,456,457.51.

It remains to be seen, therefore, when a decision to join the rest of the approved budget of the Action is expected to come out.

More information about the action here.

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