February 5, 2025 5 min read
New business grant scheme – Employment support for 15000 unemployed aged 30-49


The K.Y.A. for the new business grant programme for the 15000 employment support for enterprises was published in the Official Gazette unemployed persons aged 30-49 years old .

Supporting the employment of 15000 unemployed people aged 30-49 years old - Aim of the programme

The aim is to create new full-time jobs by recruiting 15,000 unemployed people, aged 30-49, with an emphasis on the long-term unemployed. Of the 15,000 places, 5,000 are exclusively for registered unemployed beneficiaries of the Social Solidarity Income (KEA).

The employment support for unemployed persons is addressed to private enterprises, Social and Solidarity Economy Institutions and generally private sector employers who carry out regular economic activity and operate throughout the Greek territory.

Business requirement for inclusion in the programme - Supporting the employment of 15000 unemployed people aged 30-49

Not have reduced its staff during the three months prior to the date of submission of the application for funding.

It is also valid for the period from the date of submission of the application to the date of accession of the business.

Staff reduction is considered to be:

  1. the termination of the employment contract,
  2. the change of employment status from full-time to part-time or rotational employment as well as
  3. voluntary exit made on the initiative of the employer, through programs providing mainly financial incentives for voluntary exit.

In such cases, in order to join the programme, the enterprise will have to cover the reduction until the date of submission of the application for participation in the programme.

We would like to point out that:
In case the company has made a reduction in its staff but has made a previous new recruitment of an employee, within the same month that the reduction has taken place, it may be included in the program.

The above commitment also applies for the period from the date of submission of the application to the date of inclusion of the company in the program.

The following shall not be considered as staff reductions in the three months preceding the date of submission of the application:

  • the termination of an employment contract due to retirement,
  • the termination of an employment contract of indefinite or fixed term (before its expiration) due to an important reason concerning the employee (lawsuit for a criminal act)
  • the expiry of a fixed-term contract
  • voluntary withdrawal
  • imprisonment and death

For all the above, businesses must provide the necessary supporting documents.

The above conditions also apply to businesses created after a transfer or change of legal form or dissolution and reopening in the same or another place with the same object of activity.

The following are not included:

a. All enterprises, bodies, offices and organizations which are governed, as regards the recruitment of their staff, by the provisions of law. Regulation (EC) No 2190/1994 (Government Gazette A'/28) and Law 3812 (A'/234).
b. Branches or offices established in a country which is not a member of the European Union because it is not possible to control the cumulation of aid.
c. Offshore companies as well as companies whose corporate composition includes offshore companies because it is not possible to control the cumulation of aid.
d. KTEL S.A. and the owners or co-owners of their members.
e. Clubs and unions.
f. When the scope of work of an enterprise is complex and one of the objects is excluded from the program.

In cases where the object of work that is excluded refers to the purposes set out in the company's articles of association and is not defined in the commencement of activity at the Tax Office, the company may submit an electronic application for participation in the program, provided that it submits a solemn declaration stating that it will not exercise during the program the excluded object of work.

In cases where the object of work refers to the commencement of activity at the Tax Office, the company, in order to join, must make a change of work to the Tax Office before the date of submission of the application for funding in relation to the excluded object and submit a solemn declaration stating that it will not exercise during the program the excluded object of work.

G. Undertakings in respect of which recovery of previous State aid is pending.
H. Enterprises created following a transfer or change of legal form or dissolution and/or reopening or creation of a new business or lease by the same partners in the same or another place with the same object of activity because the aim and objective of the programme to promote employment by creating new jobs is not achieved.

In these cases, the companies are included for the additional number of seats that the previous company had.
I. The following:

  • Companies active in sectors to which the Regulation does not apply Regulation (EC) No 1407/2013 (Article 1)
  • Enterprises active in the fisheries sector (in primary fisheries and aquaculture).
  • Enterprises active in the primary production of agricultural products (plant and animal),
  • The nightclubs.
  • Businesses promoting products and providing services by phone.
  • Seasonal businesses.
  • Co-located enterprises or enterprises which in the place where the subsidized person will be employed (head office or branch) are co-located with another enterprise.
  • Businesses whose registered office is the employer's home (such as insurers, accountants, civil engineers, commercial agents) except for businesses which, due to the nature of their activity, employ staff outside their headquarters (truck operating services, taxi operating services, plumbers, electricians).
  • When the scope of work of an enterprise is complex and one of the objects is excluded from the program, according to the provisions of cases i to θviii, the enterprise in order to join must submit a Solemn Declaration stating that the subsidized person will not be employed in the excluded object of work of cases i to θviii.

Beneficiaries - Unemployed Beneficiaries of the Program for Employment Support for 15000 unemployed aged 30-49 are:

a) Unemployed persons registered in the unemployment register of OAED for a period of at least three (3) months prior to their nomination by the competent FMC2.

b) Long-term unemployed, i.e. registered in the OAED unemployment register for a period of at least 12 months until their nomination by the competent FMC2.

c) Registered unemployed beneficiaries of the Social Solidarity Income (KEA), without the unemployment thresholds of the two previous cases (a, b).

d) Unemployed persons aged 30 to 49 years old registered in the unemployment register of the OAED for a period of at least one (1) day before their nomination by the competent KPA2 - Beneficiaries of the Programme "Training and Certification of Unemployed 29-64 years old in cutting-edge industries" (Call of the NSRF Employment and Social Economy Executive Structure, number 2/2016/ ΩΞY0465Θ1Ω-I4B), who have successfully completed both the theoretical training and the practical training.

The unemployed beneficiaries of the above categories, upon their nomination by the competent FMC2, must:

• Have completed the standard personalised approach form and agreed on an individual action plan.
Specifically, the beneficiaries of the Program "Training and Certification of Unemployed 29-64 years old in cutting-edge sectors" must submit to the employment consultant a certificate of successful completion of the program (theory and practice) issued by the Beneficiary of the Program.
• Be Greek citizens or citizens of another EU member state or be expatriates who have the right of residence and employment in our country or third-country nationals who have a residence permit for dependent work at least for the duration of the program.
• Be aged 30-49, i.e. have reached the age of 30 and are 31 years old and have reached the age of 49 and are 50 years old respectively on the date of their nomination by the competent Service.

It is not possible to indicate unemployed people to businesses:

A) For persons who during the last 12 months, prior to the date of submission of the application for funding for inclusion in the program by the company:
• Have been employed in any way in the same enterprise or in enterprises constituting a single enterprise with the applicant or in enterprises that have been transferred or change legal form or are being dissolved and reopened in the same or another place with the same object of activity by the same or other employers or partners
Beneficiaries of the program "Training and Certification of Unemployed 29-64 years old in cutting-edge sectors" related to their internship are excluded.
• They had been employed with the same or another specialty in the same place by another employer with similar activity (main and / or secondary), with the exception of the beneficiaries of the program "Training and Certification of Unemployed 29-64 years old in cutting-edge sectors" concerning their internship.
• Had been employed in an enterprise where the partner or employer has or had any shareholding or partnership with the incorporated enterprise.
• Had been employed by a spouse or a first-degree relative by blood or by marriage with the employer.

B) For employees who will be employed exclusively, from the 22nd hour in the evening (start of working hours) until the 6th morning (end of working hours).

C) For persons who:
• They are partners in O.E., E.E., Ltd. and in P.C.C.
• They are members of the BoDs of S.A., except for the members-partners of the Social and Solidarity Economy Organizations (SSE)
• They are the legal representatives or managers of the businesses
• They are members of cooperatives (except for the members of the Social Cooperatives).
• They are necessarily placed with the provisions of the law 2643/1998.
• They will be recruited in the context of the company's integration into any other aid scheme to cover its relevant contractual obligations, e.g. an investment project, which also subsidizes the wage and/or non-wage costs for these persons;
• They will be hired by the beneficiary employers in order to make their services available to another employer (secondary or indirect employer).
• They will be employed under a lease - project contract or paid mandate.


It is noted that the unemployed do not submit an application themselves, but are indicated by a constituent note only by the competent Service (FMC2) where the head office or branch to be employed belongs, according to the requested specialties.

The actions are carried out as stated at the time of the submission of the application for funding by the enterprises, according to the choices of the unemployed recorded in the Individual Action Plans during the process of the individualized approach and according to the procedure that will be described in the Public Call.

The deadline for the submission of electronic applications for inclusion in the program for Employment Support for 15000 unemployed people aged 30-49, as set by the Public Call, expires automatically through the electronic application system, after the allocated positions have been filled.

After the automatic expiry of the deadline, applications for a number of posts corresponding to:
1) up to 30% of the 10,000 allocated positions related to the first 2 categories of registered unemployed of para. 4.2 and
2) up to 30% of the 5,000 places reserved for registered unemployed beneficiaries of the Social Solidarity Income. In this case, the positions remain on hold and are filled based on the date of submission of applications, if vacancies are created.

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