March 9, 2025 5 min read
New action of the NSRF for the Support of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) of the region of Epirus


Strengthening Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) of the region of Epirus, which are active in the fields of agri-food, experience industry (tourism, culture, etc.), ICT and health / wellness, aims at a new action of the NSRF that "opens" on January 7th.

NSRF - Support of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the region of Epirus

The budget of the new Action will amount to 2 million euros. The wage costs for 18 months of full-time employment of the employees hired will be financed. This includes monthly gross earnings, employer's insurance contributions, Christmas and Easter holiday allowances and holiday allowances.

The call may include operations up to 200% of the total co-financed public expenditure. ESA Epirus can also further increase the available budget of the call in cases where resources are available from the Operational Programme to finance positively evaluated proposals.

The aid that an undertaking will receive under the scheme, combined with any other de minimis aid it has received or will receive, must not exceed EUR 200.000 over any period of three fiscal years. Of course, each potential beneficiary can make an investment proposal with a budget greater than the maximum subsidized budget.

In this case, although the excess costs are not subsidized, the entire investment proposal is evaluated and monitored - controlled. All excess costs are covered exclusively by private participation. A necessary condition is the conclusion of a contract of the company with the beneficiary with a gross salary that is not lower than the one taken into account in the above calculation, if additional employer or other contributions arise for each specialty, the companies will be burdened.

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