The Minister Rural Development and Food - Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Lefteris Avgenakis, the competent Deputy Minister, Dionysis Stamenitis, in cooperation with the Secretary General for Union Resources and Infrastructure, Dimitris Papagiannidis, announce the Call for Intervention P3-71 'ASSISTANCE IN AREAS WITH NATURAL OR OTHER SPECIFIC HANDICAPS' (EXTRACT) of Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027, in 2023.
The Actions of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agriculture
The Public Expenditure of Intervention P3-71 amounts to EUR 255.076.923, distributed among the three Actions as follows:
- Action 1 : €185 076 923 (mountain areas)
- Action 2 : EUR 60 000 000 (areas with natural constraints, except mountain areas)
- Action 3: €10.000.000 (areas with specific handicaps)
The three actions are expected to provide financial support to 380,000 farmers.
The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Lefteris Avgenakis, thanked for the excellent cooperation the staff of the EAD SKAP and the Planning & Development Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Operational Programmes of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, as well as the executives of OPEKEPE and said:
"The government, within the framework of the Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027, year 2023, continues to implement its commitments to
support for producers
particularly those operating in mountainous and disadvantaged areas, but also in areas that are natural destinations.
Our aim is not only to help producers cope with the acute problems that have arisen due to exogenous international developments, but also to support those who operate in sensitive areas, which we must keep economically active. By supporting our producers, we support the Greek region and the Greek economy."