February 23, 2025 5 min read
Long-term unemployed: Next week the platform for the 400-euro benefit opens


Μακροχρόνια άνεργοι: Για το επίδομα 400 ευρώ και τη χορήγησή του σε 155.000 μακροχρόνια ανέργους που εξήγγειλε ο πρωθυπουργός, μίλησε ο διοικητής του Οργανισμού Απασχόλησης Εργατικού Δυναμικού (ΟΑΕΔ) Σπύρος Πρωτοψάλτης.

In particular, Mr. Protopsaltis said that yesterday's announcement concerns about 155,000 long-term unemployed, who became long-term unemployed within the last year, that is, they exceeded 12 months of registered unemployment in the OAED register. "Those who are unemployed from 12 to 24 months and have not received the long-term unemployment benefit, will receive the emergency financial assistance of 400 euros", clarified the OAED commander.

Next week the platform opens

Next week, the platform is expected to open on which the 155,000 unsubsidized long-term unemployed will apply for the new special benefit of 400 euros.

The beneficiaries of the 400 euros will declare the valid IBAN of their bank account to receive the benefit immediately. This electronic procedure is necessary as the beneficiaries of this new aid are unsubsidized long-term unemployed and due to this reason there are no up-to-date IBAN data in the OAED for everyone.

Long-term unemployed - Who will be subsidised

The relevant ministerial decision was signed today and concerns about 155,000 unemployed who acquired the status of long-term unemployed from 1.4.2019 onwards, while the expenditure for the action is foreseen in the 65 million euros, which will be covered by the OAED budget.

"Today, the government is proceeding with another important measure to support the economically sensitive and vulnerable social group of our unemployed fellow citizens and specifically that of the long-term unemployed", points out the Minister of Labor Giannis Vroutsis.

"Following the necessary reform of unemployment programmes for the benefit of the weakest, we are providing emergency financial support to 155,000 long-term unemployed amounting to €65 million. euro. We are spreading our network of protection from the effects of the coronavirus crisis by now covering about 500,000 unemployed fellow citizens," he added.

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