February 23, 2025 5 min read
Launch of Action: digital transformation of businesses based in the Municipality of Athens


The launch of the action: digital transformation of businesses based in the Municipality of Athens, announced the Ministry of Interior .

The aim is to make digital tools available to all entrepreneurs, including a range of tools Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for use by businesses operating in Athens or interested in the city as a business or investment destination.

The proposed action is part of a set of actions to support entrepreneurship and improve in general the operation and attractiveness of the productive environment in the Municipality of Athens, in the priority areas of the Regional Smart Specialization Strategy. It aims to support existing or start-up businesses, in order for them to utilize modern sets of digital tools, in order to improve their extroversion and competitiveness.

The Digital Transformation of businesses based in the Municipality of Athens,
it is co-financed by the Operational Programme and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


The starting date for the submission of applications is Monday 27/09/2021 08:00 with a deadline of 31/12/2021 14:00:00.

Proposals must be submitted via the NSRF OPS at the following address: http://logon.ops.gr/ .

Digital transformation - Budget

The budget of the Digital Transformation of businesses based in the Municipality of Athens amounts to 953.000,00 €. It is indicatively broken down by field of intervention action and category of region.

The intervention concerns the provision of digital tools to all entrepreneurs and includes a series of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) tools for use by businesses operating in Athens or interested in the city as a business or investment destination.
These tools will allow their immediate utilization, at zero cost, for the business, and their smooth integration into the production process followed by businesses. It aims, among other things, to enhance their extroversion and competitiveness.

Indicatively and not restrictively, such online tools are:
• presentation tools,
• digital marketing,
• monitoring working time,
• accounting programmes,
• e-learning,
• teleconferencing,
• sharing common space,
• word, image and video editing, etc.

Target Audience

- Municipality of Athens
- Society for Development & Tourism Promotion of Athens Anaptixaki SA OTA

More specific eligibility rules

Projects that do not involve State aid elements will be examined as set out in the Commission Notice on the notion of State aid as referred to in Article 107(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (2016/C 262/01). In such cases, in order for all public funding of proposed operations not to fall under State aid rules, it must be ensured that the funding provided cannot be used to cross-subsidise or indirectly subsidise other economic activities.

Projects that constitute the exercise of an economic activity, i.e. the provision of goods or services already provided or can be provided by operators on the market, involve elements of State aid and will be examined in accordance with the institutional framework of State aid (GAAR, de minimis). In cases where it is finally determined that the proposed action or part of an action falls within the above institutional framework, it may be publicly financed up to the amount of the aid intensity determined by the applicable institutional framework, on a case-by-case basis.

It should be noted that in cases of State aid, the amount less than the authorised co-financing of public expenditure in relation to the total cost of the project is covered by the beneficiary's own resources, which do not contain any state aid element. Otherwise, the amount of co-financed public expenditure will be reduced.

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