February 23, 2025 5 min read
KYPA: Business applications for participation in the digital economy work experience programme for young people until 14/7


On Friday, 14 July 2023 at 23:59, the deadline for submitting applications for businesses to participate in the Digital Economy Work Experience Programme for 3,900 unemployed people up to 29 years old. Applications are to be submitted via the e-services of the CIFA.

The action is addressed to companies interested in providing young people trained in the digital economy with the opportunity to gain experience for 6 months, 30 hours per week. DYPA will pay €594 monthly net compensation directly to participants, while providers have no cost of participation.

The action is open to businesses engaged in economic activity (primary or secondary) in digital economy sectors. Other businesses may be included if the owner or at least one full-time and part-time employee is employed part-time or exclusively in a relevant field.

Enterprises are classified according to their staff, as follows:

The available places by region are posted on the DYPA website. A prerequisite for joining the programme is that the company must not reduce its staff during the month prior to application.

Beneficiaries are covered by the insurance of the contributory sickness insurance in kind (EOPYY) and are insured for occupational risk in the e-EFKA by DYPA.

The project, with a total budget of 14.935.120 euros, is co-funded by Greece and the European Union through the Operational Programme "Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2014-2020" with funding from the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI): www.dypa.gov.gr.

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