January 22, 2025 5 min read
Investment Guarantee Fund (ESIF ERDF Guarantee Fund): action remains open


Open for online submission of business funding requests, the Investment Guarantee Fund (ESPA 2014-2020) remains open for business funding applications. ESIF ERDF Guarantee Fund .

The Investment Guarantee Fund is an important financial tool to boost the competitiveness and innovation of SMEs, create new jobs and foster business recovery. The aim of the Fund is to improve access to investment finance for SMEs by providing protection against potential losses through the guarantee of the European Investment Fund (EIF/EIF).

Eligible borrowers from the Investment Guarantee Fund

Eligible are new and existing SMEs from all sectors of the economy operating in Greece, provided that the conditions of the de minimis Regulation (de minimis) EU 1407/2013 are met.

Types of Loans

New guaranteed, favourable investment loans as well as new special purpose working capital loans with a developmental character, low interest rate, reduced collateral and longer repayment period, which will allow Greek SMEs to make investments that will upgrade their competitiveness in modern economic conditions.

Maximum loan amount

The maximum loan amount is 1,875,000 euros, depending on the repayment period and subject to compliance with the conditions of application of the EU Regulation 1407/2013 de minimis.

Loans will be available for disbursement until 31.12.2023.

Guarantee Coverage

The guarantee covers 80% of the losses of each loan, with a maximum of 25% to cover losses in each bank's entire portfolio. The maximum duration of the guarantee is 10 years.

The guarantee is provided with a zero guarantee commission. The gross grant equivalent of the aid (GGE) is a function of the amount of the loan and its repayment period and is calculated by the Bank at the time the loan is granted.

Investment Guarantee Fund - Who manages it

The management of the Investment Guarantee Fund has been entrusted to the European Investment Fund (European Investment Fund, EIF).

Online Submission

Business requests are first submitted on the online platform www.ependyseis.gr , where, after finalisation of the submission, the unique code of each request is obtained. Subsequently, the prospective borrowers submit their financing requests and physical file for evaluation to the partner banks.

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