The program Installation of New Farmers (sub-measure 6.1) concerns the provision of flat-rate financial assistance to young people who have not exceeded the age of 41 for entering and remaining in agricultural employment and for their first establishment on agricultural holdings, who have sufficient professional qualifications, establish themselves for the first time as heads of agricultural holdings and implement business plans for the development of their agricultural activities.
The objective of the Young Farmers' Establishment programme for the transitional period 2021 and 2022 is to increase the competitiveness of farms through age renewal and the creation of entrepreneurial farmers who , at the end of the support, will have appropriate skills and sustainable farms.
Sub-measure 6.1 is co-financed by the European Union ( European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development "E.G.T.A.A." ) and the Greek State. The total amount earmarked to cover the needs of this call for proposals is € 420 000 000.
Important dates for the Installation of New Farmers
- Period for the submission of applications for support and period for the adoption of integration decisions:
a) The period for the submission of applications for support - candidature files is defined as the period from 12-11-2021 until 14-12-2021 at 13:00. The necessary supporting documents for the submission posted on the State Aid Information System must have a date of issue until 14-12-2021.
(b) The period for their evaluation and approval is set out in Articles 15 and 16. c) Requests for de-finalization of support applications are submitted to the helpdesk of the PSKE, within the application of the sub-measure (with user codes), until 13-12-2021.
- How and where to apply for support: Applications for support must be submitted electronically via the State Aid Information System (SIS) available on the website: http://www.ependyseis.gr .
Target Audience
Individuals that
- have reached the age of 18, have full legal capacity and solvency in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code and have not exceeded the age of 41
- are residents of the areas of application of sub-measure 6.1.2.
Legal entities that:
- are headed – legally represented by a young farmer who fulfils the conditions of point (1.i)
- have as their leader – legal representative a young farmer, in accordance with the conditions of par. 5 and 7 of Article 4, which holds at least 51% of the capital of the legal person.
- are based in the wider area of the place of permanent residence of their leader – legal representative and within the same Region
- have main activity in the primary sector (Nace Codes group 01 excluding Nace Codes 01.6 and SMR 01.7) agricultural production. Activities in fishing shall not be taken into account.
Program budget
Sub-measure 6.1 is co-financed by the European Union (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development "E.G.T.A.A.") and the Greek State. In order to cover the needs of this call, a total amount of € 420,000,000 is foreseen, which is distributed as follows:
Amount of subsidy
Financial support for the first setting-up of young farmers shall be granted in the form of a flat-rate amount of support following the adoption of the decision to integrate operations relating to the request for support.
The financial support is granted in the form of capital and is paid in two instalments.
The first instalment (70% of the total amount of support) is paid immediately after the adoption of the accession decision. The last instalment shall be paid within 5 years of accession subject to the proper implementation of the business plan and the achievement of the relevant objectives and commitments.
The amount of support shall not be linked to eligible expenditure or costs.
The amount of support is set at EUR 35 000
Eligible expenditure for the installation of new farmers
The amount of support is set at EUR 35 000. This amount may be increased up to EUR 5 000, as follows:
- by EUR 2.500 when the head of the agricultural holding has permanent residence in a mountainous or disadvantaged area or on an island with a population of up to 3.100 inhabitants
- by EUR 2.500 for agricultural holdings which in the future situation have a poultry-livestock production direction (but not mixed).
For the purposes of sub-measure 6.1, the activities of the agricultural holding, other than primary agricultural production (including activities such as sorting and simple packaging of own products), may include the handling, transport, standardisation, packaging, storage, processing, wholesale and retail sale of exclusively products produced by the holding.