January 22, 2025 5 min read
In the Official Gazette the conditions for inclusion in the Development Law of investments in the processing of agricultural products


The terms and conditions through which investment projects from the sector of processing of agricultural products will be subject to aid schemes under the Development Law are described in the Joint Ministerial Decision of of the Ministries of Development and Investment and Rural Development and Food, published in the Government Gazette.

As stated in the KYA, the aid regimes include investment projects in the agricultural products processing sector exclusively in the cases in which the investment project support is determined based on the eligible costs of the project, which specifically refer to:

a. Meat - poultry - rabbits (slaughterhouses, slaughterhouses, plants for the production of meat and meat-based products, sausages, animal by-products management units).
b. Milk (units for the utilization of milk and production of dairy products).
c. Eggs (standardization of egg packaging, production of new products).
d. Other animal products (Honey - Sericulture - snails).
e. Pet food.
f. Cereals (flour production, drying of cereals, processing to produce malt, starch, gluten, etc.).
G. Olive Products (olive mills, olive oil refineries, oilseed mills, edible oil processing units, etc.), including investment plans for olive oil processing and standardization units.
H. Wine.
I. Vegetables.
J. Nuts
K. Fodder plants
L. Legumes.
M. Flowers (standardization and marketing of flowers).
N. Propagation material.
O. Vinegar (production of vinegar from wine, fruit and other agricultural raw materials).
P. Aromatic and medicinal plants for dry drug processing
Q. Processing of new - alternative - innovative crops (horseradish, aronia, goji berry, skullcap, aloe, etc.).
R. Processing of raw tobacco.
S. Sugar beet and sugar cane processing.
Mr. Flax and industrial hemp processing.
U. Processing of natural raw cork and its waste.
V. Coffee, whether or not roasted or decaffeinated, coffee pods and skins, coffee substitutes containing coffee, whatever the proportions of the mixture, as defined in Commission Executive Regulation 2021/1832 of 12 October 2021, regarding the amendment of Annex I of Regulation (EEC) no. 2658/87 of the Council on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and the Common Customs Tariff of the Commission as applicable from time to time.
κγ. Tea, whether or not flavored, in accordance with the provisions of Executive Regulation 2021/1832 of the Commission as applicable from time to time.
κδ. Flavorings (Spices) in accordance with the provisions of executive regulation 2021/1832 of the Commission as applicable from time to time.

The investment projects of the processing of agricultural products that fall within the scope of the present, cannot be subject to aid regimes of the Development Law:

a. in cases concerning the processing of genetically modified products as defined by Directive 2001/18/EC other than their use for the production of animal feed, and

b. in cases of violation of prohibitions or restrictions defined in regulation (EU) no. 1308/2013 (C.O.A.), even when the said prohibitions and restrictions concern only the Union support provided for in said regulation.

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