With more than 1.7 billion euros the European Commission supported the Greek institutions that participated in European projects in the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union for Research & Development. Innovation.
According to the latest data from the European Commission, the 1003 Greek organisations in the thematic areas of Horizon 2020 (Horizon 2020) for which the PRAXI Network is a National Contact Point, were funded with 684.118.031 euros. The funding concerned particularly important projects for the period 2014/20. Horizon 2020 is the European Commission's funding framework for Research and Innovation for the period 2014/20. It is characteristic that our country is 11th among the 28 European countries in terms of financing from the E.U. In the thematic area "Secure societies - Protecting the freedom and security of Europe and its citizens", the Greek organisations received the highest funding among European countries.The PRAXI Network operates as a National Contact Point for the EU Framework Programs since 1998. As also for the program Horizon Europe (continuation of Horizon 2020). It is an official information and support body for Greek organizations for their participation in the program. It offers its services to:
- businesses
- research and academic institutions
- public and private sector bodies
- local government and
- individuals throughout Greece
The PRAXI Network has published statistics on the Greek participation in Horizon 2020 for the period 2014/20, for the following thematic areas:
Secure societies - Protecting the freedom and security of Europe and its citizens
Greek participation focuses on thematic areas:
- (Digital security)
- Fight against crime and terrorism
- Disaster resilience and
- Border security and external security
Specifically, in the period 2014/20, 145 organizations from Greece participated in projects. Financing amounted to 177,065,363 euros (12.1% of the total financing of the EU of 28).It is important to mention that in the specific thematic area, the Greek institutions collected the highest funding in the EU countries Almost half (49.5%) of the Greek holdings comes from research organizations and institutions secondary and higher education. 33.88% come from private companies. Accordingly, in terms of funding, private companies gather the most funding (40.32% of all Greek funding). Research organizations follow, with a percentage of 25.01% of all Greek funding. The regions with the largest participation are:
- Attica and Central Macedonia with 359 and 70 entries respectively
- Crete with 27
- Western Greece with 8
- Central Greece with 7 entries
Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing and Processing and Biotechnology
The Greek participation in Horizon 2020 is primarily focused on thematic areas of interest:
- in the "Factories of the Future"
- the "Energy Efficient Buildings"
- the "Sustainable Process Industries"
Specifically, in the period 2014/20, 138 organizations from Greece participated in the program announcements in projects that received funding of 163,889,356 euros (4.43% of the total EU funding). The majority of Greek participations come from companies that participate with a percentage of 48.5% of the total participations. They follow secondary and higher education institutions with a participation rate 29,2% and the research organizations with a participation rate of 18,6%. However, in terms of funding, secondary and tertiary institutions garner the most funding (39.7% of all Greek financing) followed by private companies, with a percentage of amounts to 35.3% on all Greek financing. The regions with the largest participation are:
- Attica and Central Macedonia with 220 and 75 entries, respectively
- Western Greece with 44
- Crete with 21 entries
Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and Bioeconomy
Greek participation is concentrated mainly in the announcements concerning the strengthening of skills and innovation in areas such as:
- efficient and resilient value chains
- sustainable food production systems
- exploitation of marine life
Specifically, in the period 2014/20, 165 organizations from Greece participated in projects in the program announcements, with funding amounting to 99,995,509 euros (3.17% of the total EU funding). Also, it is important to emphasize that 74 small and medium enterprises (44.85% of all organizations) participated in the "Social Challenge 2" announcements. The majority of Greek participations come from companies that participate with a percentage of 41.1% of the total participations. They follow secondary and higher education institutions with a participation rate 32,9%and the research organizations with participation rate 16.6%. However, in terms of funding, secondary and higher education institutions gather the most funding (40.3% of all Greek funding) followed by companies, with a percentage of 22.8% of all Greek funding. The regions with the largest participation are:
- Attica and Central Macedonia with 206 and 82 entries, respectively
- Crete with 27
- Central Greece with 19 entries
Smart, Green and Integrated Transport
The thematic area of transport gathers a lot of interest from Greek agencies, both from the academic and university community, as well as from private organizations. Greek participation focuses on air transport, mainly through the actions:
- Clean Sky 02
- of the "Mobility for Growth" notices
Thematic fields are also of great interest:
- "Intelligent Transport Systems" (Intelligent Transport Systems)
- (Urban Mobility)
- infrastructures
Specifically, in the period 2014/20, Greek participations received 108,074,142 euros (2.5% of the total funding) in 192 projects, which corresponds to 366 participations from 143 organizations. Of these holdings, 145 come from private companies. The majority of Greek participations come from private companies that participate with a percentage of 39.6% of the total participations. The following are research organizations with participation rate 27.3% and the secondary and higher education institutions with a participation rate of 26.8%. Accordingly, in terms of funding, research organizations gather the most funding (33.9% of all Greek funding) followed by private, for-profit companies with 29.7% of all Greek funding. The regions with the largest participation are:
- Attica and Central Macedonia with 193 and 100 entries respectively
- Western Greece with 27 entries
- Crete with 15
- the North Aegean with 9 entries
Action on Climate, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials
The Greek participation focuses primarily on thematic fields concerning:
- in water protection
- in the circular economy
- in raw materials
- in low carbon emissions
- in climate change
Specifically, in 2014/20, 164 organisations from Greece participated in Horizon 2020 calls, withfunding of €111,762,877 (3.97% of the total funding). Also, it is important to emphasize that 90 small and medium enterprises (54.9% of all organizations) participated in the announcements of the "Social Challenge 5". The majority of Greek participations come from private companies that participate with a percentage of 33.1% of the total participations. The following are secondary and higher education institutions with participation rate 23,8% and the research organizations with participation rate 22.5%. Accordingly, in terms of funding, private companies gather the most funding (32.2% of all Greek funding) followed by secondary and higher education institutions, with a percentage of 31.8% of all Greek funding. The regions with the largest participation are:
- Attica and Central Macedonia with 234 and 49 entries, respectively
- Crete with 30
- the South Aegean with 9 entries
Space for participation in Horizon 2020
Greek participation is concentrated mainly in the announcements concerning:
- in the field of earth observation (Earth Observation- Copernicus)
- in the development of space technologies (European Space Technology –COMPET)
- in satellite navigation (GALILEO-EGNSS)
Specifically, in the period 2014/20, 55 organizations from Greece participated in the program announcements, with funding amounting to 23,330,784 euros (2.6% of the total EU funding). Also, it is important to emphasize that 42 small and medium enterprises participated in the tenders. Half of the Greek participations come from private companies, while the participation rate of research organizations and secondary and higher education institutions amounts to 43.6%. The regions with the largest participation are:
- Attiki with 59 entries
- Central Macedonia with 29 entries
- Crete with 6 participations, of which 3 relate to project coordination