January 22, 2025 5 min read
Guarantee Fund: Working capital up to 200,000 euros for engineers, builders and designers


New paths with easier and lower cost bank financing are opened for the entire technical world of the country by the approval and operation of the HDB – TMEDE Guarantee Fund that has just begun.

It concerns the guarantee for working capital of up to 200,000 euros on favorable terms, for each engineer, designer and constructor who has undertaken the execution of a project or study of public interest. The loan is granted through the banking system. The Guarantee Fund, co-created by the Hellenic Development Bank (EBA-HDB) and the Fund for Mechanical Contractors of Public Works (TMEDE), provides a guarantee to the banks for 80% of the financing.

What is the new EBA Guarantee Fund - TMEDE

The aim of the new Fund is to significantly expand access to finance, with transparency and simplification of bureaucratic procedures, for Greek engineers, designers, builders and thousands of scientists – freelancers as well as small and medium-sized enterprises.

Το Ταμείο Εγγυοδοσίας ΕΑΤ-ΤΜΕΔΕ it is co-financed by 70% from the resources of the Public Investment Program. The remaining 30% is financed by funds from the Fund of Mechanical Contractors of Public Works (TMEDE). Διαχειριστής του Ταμείου είναι η Ελληνική Αναπτυξιακή Τράπεζα (HDB).

It is worth noting that it is the first collaboration of the Hellenic Development Bank – HDB with a private body, the Fund of Mechanical Contractors of Public Works (TMEDE) and in fact for the creation of a financial tool with thematic / sectoral reference, with the construction consulting sector as the beneficiary.

Το Ταμείο Εγγυοδοσίας ΕΑΤ-ΤΜΕΔΕ παρέχει εγγύηση σε δάνεια που χορηγούν οι 9 συνεργαζόμενες τράπεζες. These are AlphaBank,National Bank, Eurobank, Piraeus Bank, AtticaBank, OptimaBank, Cooperative Bank of Thessaly, Cooperative Bank of Karditsa and Cooperative Bank of Epirus. The aim is to facilitate access to credit for Greek engineers, designers, builders. It is also accessible to thousands of scientists, freelancers, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises.

Fast loans up to €200,000 on favourable terms

Μέσω του Ταμείου Εγγυοδοσίας ΕΑΤ-ΤΜΕΔΕ κάθε δικαιούχος που έχει αναλάβει την εκτέλεση έργου ή μελέτης δημοσίου συμφέροντος, μπορεί να λάβει κεφάλαιο κίνησης, μέσω τραπεζικού δανεισμού, έως 200.000 ευρώ. Η Ελληνική Αναπτυξιακή Τράπεζα (HDB) και το ΤΜΕΔΕ αναλαμβάνουν μέρος του επιχειρηματικού κινδύνου. This is achieved by guaranteeing banks 80% of the funding.

In this way, the difficulties of lending for thousands of freelancers & businesses are alleviated. This is because the process becomes easier, faster and significantly more economical for all parties.

The aim of the joint effort between TMEDE and the Hellenic Development Bank (HDB) is to facilitate and significantly expand access to finance for businesses, with transparency and simplification of bureaucratic procedures. The goal is realized with the activation of this targeted financial tool of thematic unit to the construction consulting industry.

Για την ένταξη στο Ταμείο Εγγυοδοσίας ΕΑΤ-ΤΜΕΔΕ, each interested company, of any form, submits – initially – a request for funding to the State Aid Information System, via the website www.ependyseis.gr. In the request he chooses one of the 9 banks from which he wishes to borrow. The nine banks participating in the program are: Alpha Bank, National Bank of Greece, Eurobank, Piraeus Bank, AtticaBank, OptimaBank, Cooperative Bank of Thessaly, Cooperative Bank of Karditsa and Cooperative Bank of Epirus. He then submits the funding request to the Bank of his choice, along with the necessary supporting documents that will be requested.

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