March 29, 2025 5 min read
Green Transition for SMEs: Pre-publication of the Action Plan


The Pre-publication of the Action Plan has been published Green Transition SMEs. You can find more information here. The Green Transition SME State Aid Package of the Competitiveness Programme (NSRF 2021/27) with a total budget of €700,000,000 aims to upgrade the country's SMEs.

Eligible Expenditure for the Actions includes, inter alia:

  • buildings
  • facilities and surroundings
  • machinery - equipment
  • product certification
  • Spending marketing,
  • as well as expenditure on improving energy efficiency and energy saving

Each sub-Action covers different amounts of investment projects.

Green Transformation of SMEs

The total budget of the Action is EUR 350.000.000 (Public Expenditure). It concerns companies with an investment project with a subsidized budget of 200.001 EUR up to 1.000.000 EUR (choice of either REGULATION EU 1407/2013/De minimis or REGULATION EU 651/2014 /GCC).

The maximum duration of the completion of the physical and economic scope of the investment project may not exceed twenty-four (24) months from the date of the adoption of the decision of inclusion.

Eligible enterprises - Conditions for participation

The Action is open to existing medium-sized, small and micro enterprises, as defined in Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC.

The eligible activity code numbers (ACNs), depending on the choice of financial support scheme, will be defined in the detailed Call for Proposals for the Action.

The basic conditions forthe participation ofpotential beneficiaries are the following:

  1. Have at least one (1) full closed fiscal year prior to the date of online submission of the funding application.
  2. Be materially active (Main Activity Code or Highest Revenue Activity Code) in one (1) eligible Activity Code of this call for proposals prior to the date of online submission of the funding application.
  3. Have the eligible investment ID (s) of this call for proposals before the date of online submission of the application for funding.
  4. Have at least three (3) full-time or part-time paid employment in the calendar year preceding the submission of the funding application. This will be confirmed on the basis of the declared data kept for this undertaking in the ERGANI information system.
  5. Operate legally.
  6. The investment project must not have commenced operations before the submission of the application for funding.
  7. Indicate as the place(s) for the implementation of the actions of this action only one category of Region.
  8. Operate exclusively as corporate/commercial enterprises
  9. Meet the conditions of application of the EU Regulation on which the financial support scheme is based, which they must choose when submitting their application for funding. There is a choice of either Kan. EU 651/2014 (GDPR) or Reg. EU 1407/2013 (de minimis).

All the conditions for participation, as well as clarifications on them, will be set out in the detailed Call for Proposals.

See detailed information about the expected Action here

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