Following the publication of the Call for Action: Green Transformation of SMEs and the opening of Applications for Funding, taking into account the given budget of the Action, the Ministry of Finance informs that to date, have been submitted One thousand four hundred and thirty-four (1.434) Applications for funding with a total budget of 772.387.545 euros with Public expenditure 352.852.985 euro.
Specifically, in the category of Less Developed Regions (North Aegean, Eastern Macedonia-Thrace, Central Macedonia, Epirus, Thessaly, Western Greece, Crete, Western Macedonia, Ionian Islands, Sterea Greece, Peloponnese), have been submitted One thousand one hundred (1.100) Funding Applications with Public expenditure 272.830.742 euro, while the Public expenditure of the action for this category are 234.000.000 euros.
In detail, the Public Expenditure of Funding Applications submitted under the EU Regulation 1407/2013 (de minimis) for the above Category of Regions amounts to 116.268.505 euros, while the Public Expenditure for this aid scheme amounts to 117.000.000 euros.
Accordingly, the Public Expenditure of the Funding Applications submitted under EU Regulation 651/2014 amounts to 156.562.237 euros, while the Public Expenditure for this aid scheme amounts to 117.000.000 euros and there is no more Public Expenditure available for this category of regions.
In the category of Transition Regions (Attica, South Aegean), three hundred and thirty-four (334) Applications for funding with a Public Expenditure of 80.022.243 euros have been submitted and there is no more Public Expenditure available for this category of Regions.
It is reminded that Applications submitted to the Action: green transformation of SMEs are evaluated on a first-come, first-served basis, according to the date and time of electronic submission to the Integrated State Aid Information System, at: https://app.opske.gr/ .
The Call will remain open for applications until the budget for the category of Less Developed Regions (North Aegean, East Macedonia-Thrace, Central Macedonia, Epirus, Thessaly, West Greece, Crete, West Macedonia, Ionian Islands, Ionian Islands, Sterea Greece, Peloponnese), based on EU Regulation 1407/2013 (de minimis), increased by 20%.
For more information call the call centre at 801 11 36 300 (landline calls only, local rate) or e-mail: infoepan@mou.gr.
See the Call for Action here.