Posted today, 06 October 2017, on the Manpower Employment Agency, in the section Programs of Public Benefit the Final Ranking Table of unemployed, the Final List of Runners-up and the Final List of Excluded Unemployed of the "Public Benefit Program in 17 Municipalities (Supervising Bodies) pockets of high unemployment including the training of participants, for 3,494 full-time positions (Second cycle)", following a relevant Decision of the OAED Director Prof. Μ. Karamesine.
Final Unemployment Ranking Table
Ο Οριστικός Πίνακας Κατάταξης ανέργων περιλαμβάνει τους ωφελούμενους, εγγεγραμμένους στο μητρώο ανέργων, ηλικίας 18 ετών και άνω, που θα τοποθετηθούν για οκτώ μήνες στους Επιβλέποντες Φορείς (Δήμους), όπως έχουν καθοριστεί σύμφωνα με τη Δημόσια Πρόσκληση. The compilation of the Final Table was carried out in an automated, transparent and objective way through the Integrated Information System (MIS) of OAED, based on the prescribed criteria of the Public Call approved by ASEP.
Those interested have the opportunity to be informed about their online application and credit. Either from their Registry through e-Services IIS in the tab of their respective application or with the protocol number of their application from the respective ranking tables of unemployed that have been posted on the OAED website.
Οι άνεργοι που έχουν επιλεγεί για τοποθέτηση ως επιτυχόντες καλούνται, εντός προθεσμίας πέντε εργάσιμων ημερών από την ενημέρωσή τους, να προσέλθουν στην αρμόδια Υπηρεσία (ΚΠΑ2), όπου είναι εγγεγραμμένοι ως άνεργοι, προκειμένου να πραγματοποιήσουν με τον Εργασιακό Σύμβουλο την πρώτη συμβουλευτική δράση και να παραλάβουν συστατικό σημείωμα για την υπόδειξή τους στους Επιβλέποντες Φορείς (Δήμους).
In cases where it is not possible for the OAED Services to communicate with the successful beneficiaries, the beneficiaries are obliged to appear at the competent Services within 30 working days from the posting of the Final Unemployment Ranking Table. In the event that the deadline of 30 working days expires, the successful candidates are excluded from the Final List.
Activation actions of the beneficiaries
With the aim of facilitating the reintegration of the unemployed into the labor market, the program includes activation actions of the beneficiaries (counseling and training).
More specifically, the FMC2 where the beneficiaries are registered as unemployed, will offer two counseling actions to the beneficiaries of the program upon entering and exiting it.
The Action of Consulting is mandatory for all beneficiaries and is divided into two parts.
In the first Consulting , the Employment Advisor provides information to the beneficiary about the program for upgrading the formal qualifications (training program). It also records the beneficiary's statement whether he wishes to attend it or not. Please note that the implementation of the training action is voluntary. The registration for the Training Program, which takes place in the phase of the first counseling action, is a final choice and cannot be changed.
After the completion of the first counseling, the beneficiary receives from the Labor Advisor the Recommendation Note in order to address the Supervising Body (Municipality).
The second Consulting takes place at the end of the Program and concerns the professional orientation-reorientation of the participants.
It is noted that the responsibility for the nomination and information of the successful beneficiaries lies with the competent Service (FMC2), where the beneficiaries are registered as unemployed.
Also, in order to better serve the beneficiaries in the context of the payment of their payments, the IBAN deposit account number with the beneficiary as the mandatory first beneficiary is presented during the nomination process.
Για τη διαδικασία υπόδειξης και την προσκόμιση των σχετικών δικαιολογητικών στους επιβλέποντες φορείς, οι ωφελούμενοι άνεργοι μπορούν να ενημερωθούν από τον διαδικτυακό τόπο του ΟΑΕΔ www.oaed.gr, στην ενότητα «Προγράμματα Απασχόλησης» / «Προγράμματα Κοινωφελούς Χαρακτήρα» / «Οδηγός Εφαρμογής Προγράμματος» καθώς και από τις αρμόδιες Υπηρεσίες του Οργανισμού (ΚΠΑ2).