February 23, 2025 5 min read
Extension of submission for businesses that were rejected in the Action: subsidies for existing businesses of gyms, playgrounds


The sixth (6th) amendment to the Call for Proposals of the Action: funding for existing gyms and playgrounds of the EPANEK has been published, according to which the deadline for submitting proposals has been extended for beneficiaries who had applied by the deadline of the Action (12/10/2021), have been rejected and have not proceeded to submit an objection. Specifically, they can apply until Monday 29/11/2021 at 15:00 (instead of Friday 19/11/2021 at 14:00). The right to a new submission ceases to exist in the event that this company joins the Action.

The Action Grant for existing gyms and playgrounds concerns the support in the form of a grant for businesses active in the provision of services of gyms and playgrounds, which were affected by the pandemic of COVID-19. Businesses whose operation has been suspended throughout the duration of the general restrictive measures in the country. The aim of the Action is to cover in the form of support for future operating expenses part of the required liquidity. These include the cost of employment, but also the depreciation of fixed equipment. Also an incentive will be given to maintain the aided activities in the near future. At the same time, job retention will also be indirectly supported.

The Action is co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) of the European Union and national resources.


In point 8 of the Decision with A.P. 3156/728/A3/27-05-2021 as in force, the paragraph: "Beneficiaries whose application for funding, submitted by the deadline and time, is rejected, may, after the adoption of the relevant negative decision, submit a new application for funding. The deadline for the electronic submission of a new application for funding, only in the event that the previous application of the beneficiary has been rejected and has not proceeded to submit an objection in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 11, is Friday 19.11.2021 at 14:00. The right to a new submission ceases to exist in the event that this company joins the action."

It is replaced by the paragraph:

'Beneficiaries whose application for funding, submitted by the deadline and time, is rejected, may, after the relevant negative decision has been issued, submit a new application for funding. The deadline for the electronic submission of a new application for funding, only in the event that the previous application of the beneficiary has been rejected and has not proceeded to the submission of an objection in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 11, is Monday 29.11.2021 at 15:00. The right to a new submission ceases to exist in the event that this company joins the action."

What applies for business grants

Otherwise, the provisions of Decision 3156/728/A3/27-05-2021 of the Greek Government on the subject of: Call for applications for funding applications for business plans in the Action: subsidies for existing businesses of gyms, playgrounds, NSRF 2014 - 2020 (041KE)", as amended and in force.

See more information about the action here.

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