March 11, 2025 5 min read
Εξοικονομώ για μεσαίες και πολύ μικρές επιχειρήσεις


Εντός των ημερών θα γίνει η προδημοσίευση του οδηγού του προγράμματος Εξοικονομώ για επιχειρήσεις, ύψους 200 million. euro. Από αυτά τα 100 εκατ. θα διατεθούν σε τουριστικές επιχειρήσεις και τα υπόλοιπα στους τομείς του εμπορίου και των υπηρεσιών.

Therefore, the beneficiaries of the action are the existing medium-sized, small and micro enterprises active in trade, services and tourism (with a limit of 100 beds).

For the trade and services sectors, projects with a total budget (excluding VAT) of up to €100,000 are supported.
For tourism businesses, projects with a total budget of 50,000 to 500,000 euros are subsidized. The rate of aid to medium-sized enterprises is 40% and to micro and small 50%.

Each company may apply for funding per VAT number. The maximum eligible budget may not exceed EUR 500 000.

As provided for in the guide of the "Exoikonomo" program, through the action should be achieved:

  • the reduction of pollutants (CO2) emitted by at least 30%
  • saving primary energy by at least 30%
  • the upgrading of the energy class on the basis of an energy performance certificate (EPC) by at least two energy classes

H τεκμηρίωση της αναγκαιότητας των επεμβάσεων προκύπτει αποκλειστικά από την έκθεση αποτελεσμάτων του ενεργειακού ελέγχου ή/και από το ΠΕΑ.

Indicatively, eligible interventions include:

  • the energy upgrade of the building shell (such as thermal insulation of opaque structural elements, replacement of transparent structural elements and installation of shading systems),
  • the installation of shading systems, the upgrading of lighting system (indoor and outdoor)
  • energy-saving interventions in space heating systems

These types of interventions include:

  • the replacement of boilers by heat pumps
  • the strengthening of thermal insulation of distribution networks
  • the replacement of terminal units by new, more energy efficient
  • the installation of a heat pump
  • the replacement of storage units by new, more energy efficient

The eligible costs are divided into those concerning the implementation of interventions and intangible ones related to the drafting,the submission and monitoring of the application as well as the final check on the achievement of the minimum energy targetsThey include, the remuneration of the energy auditor and the energy inspector ,the fees of engineers for the issuance of a building id, the preparation of the necessary studies, the issuance of the necessary permits, etc.

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