January 22, 2025 5 min read
I save – I am autonomous: Incentive disbursement within the week


Within the week, the disbursement of incentives will be made, as it seems, for the Economy - Autonomo programme for the energy upgrading of households. The disbursement is made 14 months after its completion.

According to official data, out of the 37,706 applications for affiliation, 3,427 were successfully completed. The benefiting citizens have already received the incentives. However, another 1,883 citizens saw their applications successfully completed. The disbursement of the incentives is therefore imminent within the next week.

As for the remaining applications, 8,757 have received loan advances totalling 12 million. However, there are also applications that are in the phase of affiliation, applications that have not been advanced due to lack of supporting documents or are in the implementation phase.

It should be noted that the program is funded by the European Union, the European Regional Development Fund and national resources through the Regional Programs of the WFP and the Operational Program Competitiveness-Entrepreneurship-Innovation, the NSRF 2014/20. It is also funded with resources from the Recovery and Resilience Fund and national.

The total Public Expenditure amounts to 896.75 million euro. The 692 million euros from EPANEK (Operational Programme "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, Innovation"). The 170.75 million euros they come from the RIPs (Regional Operational Programmes). The rest 34 million euros from National Resources.

Income categories of the Savings Cycle - Autonomy

Category Individual Income (in euro) Family Income (in euro)

  1. =<10.000 =<10.000
  2. >10.000 - 20.000 >20.000 - 30.000
  3. >20.000 - 30.000 >30.000 - 40.000
  4. >30.000 - 50.000 >40.000 - 70.000
  5. >50.000 - 90.000 >70.000 - 120.000

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