The first tables of results for ExoEconomy 2021 applications were announced by the Ministry of Environment and Energy .
In particular the Ministry of Environment announced the his approval 1st table of Final results. It's about 28,119 approved applications to the Program Save 2021. Those who have submitted an application to the Programme, which has been approved, will then have to declare through the submission and management information system how they will cover their own contribution (own funds or bank loans). Those who choose the use of own funds, it will go directly to Submission to Schedule. Also announced was the his approval Provisional result table 1, concerning 33 rejected applications in the ECO 2021 Programme. Those who have submitted an application that has been rejected can submit their objections electronically through the submission and management information system. Objections will be lodged within an exclusive period of ten (10) calendar days from the date of publication of the provisional lists. The results are posted on the Programme's website: https://exoikonomo2021.gov.gr/apotelesmata-axiologeses .
In total, after the decision to include all successful applicants in ExoEconomy 2021, the beneficiaries of the Programme are 87,578 households and the budget amounts to 1.2 billion. euro.