March 15, 2025 5 min read
European Cyber Security Challenge 2022: Greek qualifiers started


For the 7th consecutive year, Greece's participation in the large European Cyber Security Challenge 2022 (ECSC22) was announced. The competition will take place from 13 to 16 September 2022 in Vienna, Austria.

The competition is an initiative of the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA). It is actively supported by the Ministry of Digital Governance. The responsibility for the Greek participation lies with the Department of Digital Systems of the University of Piraeus, headed by Professor Christos Xenakis.

The team that will represent our country in the final this year will consist of 10 people between 15-26 years old and will include:

  • Students
  • college students
  • professionals and non-professionals
  • hackers
  • security researchers
  • fans of digital security

The final 10 will emerge after the end of the training sessions at the end of August. It will consist of those who stand out with their performance in the qualifying competition that started online this year through the OpenECSC platform.

Conditions and terms for participation in the European Cyber Security Challenge

A prerequisite for participation in the qualifiers is the age range between 15-25 years old and Greek citizenship. To participate in the qualifiers, interested parties must register on the ECSC CTF platform through the Open ECSC Greece Qualifying 2022 , and fill in their details. In the qualifiers, participants will be asked to solve exercises – challenges in the following thematic areas:

  • Pwn
  • Crypto
  • Web
  • Forensics
  • Reversing
  • PPC
  • Blockchain

The preparation of the expanded team that will emerge from the qualifying competition will be completed by a team of coaches, experts in cybersecurity issues.

Major contributors to this effort are the Ministry of Digital Governance and the National Cybersecurity Authority as well as the sponsors, who actively support the Greek national cybersecurity team.

The Hellenic National Cybersecurity Team is actively supported by the Hellenic Safer Internet Centre (, which is under the auspices of the Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas and more specifically the Institute of Computer Science, which actively supports the Hellenic National Cybersecurity Team with joint actions to be announced in the near future.

The national team has its own digital space at: , where interested parties can find out all the details of the competition.

In addition, the Greek team has a presence on social media:

Facebook: Hellenic Team-European Cyber Security Challenge

LinkedIn: European Cyber Security Challenge - Hellenic Team

Twitter: Hellenic Cyber Security Team @ECSCGR

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