January 22, 2025 5 min read
EIT Health: Health startups support program


The RIS Innovation Call 2022 program for businesses and organizations with early-stage plans in the healthcare sector, announced the EIT Health.The purpose of the program is to strengthen businesses, as well as academic, research and medical organizations. Ambition to implement new ideas that transform health systems.

Innovative teams from the following countries of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe can participate in the programme: Greece, Italy, Portugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia.

The Greek innovation ecosystem, start-ups , research organisations, academic institutions and health care facilities, develops great dynamics. This is evidenced by the significant participation in last year's invitation.

Each selected group receives funding, mentoring and networking opportunities. At the same time, it gains access to the network of leading healthcare actors in Europe.

Businesses and organisations interested in participating in the competition can submit their application until 18 December 2021 here.


  • The proposal to be submitted by a collaborative scheme between one enterprise (SME) (compulsory) and at least one other partner (academic institution, research institution or healthcare unit).
  • The team coordinator should have a headquarters/branch/office/operating unit in a region where an EIT Health node is located. In the case of Greece, the coordinator should be based in Attica.
  • The proposed solutions should be at a certain level of maturity according to the CIMIT model. The projects selected must strictly have passed through IML stage 2 (Idea). Also enter the IML 3 (Proof of Concept) stage in at least 2 of the 4 sectors).

Themes of the EIT Health action

The solutions should be part of one of the six focus areas selected by EIT Health:

  1. Reshaping all stages of care delivery from prevention to treatment (ReformingCarePathways)
  2. Healthcare Transformation
  3. Harnessing Real-world Data
  4. Bringing Care home
  5. Health in the Workplace
  6. Fostering Healthier Lives

Each funded project receives a total of up to €75,000 for further development of the product or service, with the maximum amount per partner not exceeding €25,000.

Those who have received funding from the respective calls of previous years, as well as those who have received funding from the InnoStars Awards, European Health Catapult, EIT Health Headstart, Startups Meet Pharma and Bridgehead funding for the aforementioned years, cannot participate in the program.

For the basic guidelines here, the call documents and a web-based information seminar on the computer here.

For more information: megas@ekt.gr or InnoStars.ris@eithealth.eu.

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