January 22, 2025 5 min read
Eighth amendment of the Action: support for the establishment and operation of new tourism SMEs


The eighth (8th) amendment of the Decision of Inclusion of State Aid Actions within the framework of the Action, Support for New Tourism SMEs of EPANEK, which concerns the establishment and operation of these businesses, was published, regarding the inclusion of two (2) additional business plans, public expenditure 400.000,00 euros. The total public expenditure amounts to EUR 614,529,860.12.

Identity of the Action concerning the support of new tourism SMEs

The Action aims to enhance entrepreneurship in the tourism sector, through the creation of new micro, small and medium-sized tourism enterprises.

Budget of the Action

The budget amounts to 689 million euros for all regions of the country. The 500.6 million euros come from EPANEK and 188.4 million euros from the Regional Operational Programmes).

Beneficiaries of the Action

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises that will be active in the field of Tourism and belong to the following categories:

  • Category of Beneficiaries A: Businesses that will be established from the date of issue of the announcement of the action. They should have the SMR of the investment until the first disbursement of the grant.
  • Category of Beneficiaries B: Tourist Accommodation establishments that have been established and have acquired, by the date of issue of the announcement of the action, at least one of the eligible SMR 55 and / or SMRs:,, do not have a license (mark) of operation, the VAT number of the enterprise has not developed any economic activity. They must also have a building permit for the specific tourist accommodation.

It is noted that the required permits for the implementation of the Investment Plan (e.g. building permit) are required to have been issued until the first (1st) disbursement of a public grant (excluding the advance payment).

Amount of subsidy

The amount of grant is from 25,000 euros to 400,000 euros.45% of the eligible costs are financed. In the case of recruitment of new staff for at least 0.2 SRM of paid employment, the funding rate is 50%.

Basic conditions for participation

Beneficiaries should:

  • provide at the time of submission of the application for funding evidence of securing the Private Participation in at least 60% of the proposed (subsidized) budget of the Investment Plan
  • invest in only one Region
  • commit to operate or to operate legally by obtaining the appropriate operating license until the completion of the investment
  • submit one investment proposal per VAT number.

Subsidised expenditure for the Support of New Tourism SMEs

  • Buildings, other installations and surroundings
  • Machinery, installations and equipment for the protection of the environment, energy and water saving
  • Means of transport
  • Certification of quality assurance and environmental management systems
  • Promotion/Promotion - Participation in Exhibitions
  • Technical engineering studies and tax and legal consulting services
  • Software and software services
  • Preparation and monitoring of the implementation of an Investment Plan

Costs shall be eligible from the date of publication of the call.

The deadline for the completion of the funded investments may not exceed forty-two (42) months and one hundred and thirty-two (132) days in total from the date of issue of the Integration Decision. Where a period fixed in accordance with the above expires on a non-working day, it shall be extended until the first working day.

Exceptionally, especially and only for those investment projects whose date of issue of the decision to join the Action is later than 11-06-2020, their completion deadline cannot exceed forty-two (42) months from the date of issue of the Integration Decision.

When the completion dates of the physical and financial object are later than 31-12-2023, then the deadline for completion is set at 31-12-2023.

Eligible business categories

  • Main hotel accommodation: hotels of category 3 stars and above with a capacity of 10 to 50 beds, hotel tourist accommodation within traditional buildings, organized tourist campsites of 3 stars and above, youth hostels
  • Non-main hotel accommodation: self-catering accommodation – tourist furnished dwellings with a minimum number of 3 dwellings, rented furnished rooms – apartments of 3 keys or more and with a minimum capacity of 10 beds
  • Travel agencies of various activities
  • Alternative forms of tourism: sports tourism, maritime tourism, rural tourism, other special – alternative forms of tourism, such as amusement and theme parks, etc.
  • Other business activities in the tourism sector

Notes for the Support of New Tourism SMEs

It is not possible to set up a new business (TIN) with the previous business or its partners/shareholders as a partner for the operation of the same accommodation/operating brand.

NEW NOTE: Private participation in the action may correspond to 50% or 55% (depending on the percentage of aid), of the budget requested for grant, according to the detailed call (section 7. FINANCING SCHEME). As a condition of participation, it is defined to provide evidence of the possibility of covering private participation at least 60% of the corresponding private participation, depending on the case. Therefore, the requirement of the possibility of covering private participation at a rate of 60% is calculated on the above percentages (i.e. 60% of 50% or 60% of 55%).

NEW HIGHLIGHT: Regarding the indication in the detailed call of the action "Strengthening the Establishment and Operation of New Tourism SMEs" for the proof of private participation and the condition that it comes from recognized credit institutions by the Bank of Greece, it is noted thatall financial institutions are accepted which operate legally in their country of establishment.

Online submission

Potential beneficiaries must submit the online application for funding at the same time as they submit their application to the State Aid Information System, at the following address: www.ependyseis.gr/mis , and the Electronic Application Form. This dossier will include the required Annex I submission/inclusion documents in a non-editable electronic file format (e.g. pdf file).

Potential beneficiaries when registering as new users in the State Aid Information System should choose the action entitled:

"Support for Entrepreneurship Actions".

You can see more information about the action here.

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