The submission of online applications by the DYPA for the new Business Grant Programme for the recruitment of 1,000 unemployed people aged 30-66 years old in the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thracestarted on Monday 22 May.
The aim of the programme is to create 1,000 new full-time jobs.
The grant covers up to 70% of salary and contributions for 12 months with the possibility of extension for another 12 months.
The programme is addressed to private companies operating in the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace.
Companies interested in participating should apply at: https://www.gov.gr/ipiresies/epikheirematike-drasterioteta/apaskholeseprosopikou/summetokhe-epikheireseon-ergodoton-se-programmata-katartisesanergon
After the application is submitted, the employment advisors of the DYPA will nominate candidates with the specialty and the required qualifications for the position.
The company selects the beneficiary and proceeds to recruitment.
The total budget of the programme amounts to €17.200.000 and will be covered by the resources of the CIPA.
For the Call for Proposals and for more information, interested parties can visit the website of the CIFA: www.dypa.gov.gr