The deadline until 14 October 2023 or the skills upgrading and retraining programme for employees of DYPA in high-demand sectors with a focus on digital and green skills, funded by the Recovery and Resilience Fund.
The deadline for the start of the training courses was also set at 11 September 2023.The action gives the opportunity to 150,000 salaried workers in the private sector To obtain or to upgrade their digital and green skills and is implemented in the framework of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan "Greece 2.0" with funding from the European Union - NextGenerationEU, amounting to EUR 155 million.
The structure of the CYPA programmes
Trainees attend an 80-hour theoretical training programme and then take exams from independent certification bodies. Each worker who completes the programme of his/her choice and passes the certification exams receives a training allowance of EUR 5 per hour of training, i.e. a total of EUR 400 gross.
In cooperation with the Training and Lifelong Learning Centres (KEDiVIM) of Universities, licensed Lifelong Learning Centres (LLLCs) and international technology giants, DYPA offers employees a long list of individual training programmes from which they can choose, depending on their educational and professional profile.
For more information on the CYPRUS website:https://www.dypa.gov.gr/proghrammata-katartisis-ghia-to-tamio-anakampsis?tab=proghrammata-katartisis-se-psifiakes-kai-prasines-deksiotites-ghia-150000-erghazomenoys&tab2=&tab3=