Ξεκίνησε χθες Τετάρτη 28 Ιουνίου 2023, η ηλεκτρονική υποβολή αιτήσεων υποψηφίων εκπαιδευτικών, για πρόσληψη με σύμβαση εξαρτημένης εργασίας ορισμένου χρόνου, στις 50 Επαγγελματικές Σχολές (ΕΠΑΣ) Μαθητείας και τις 7 Πειραματικές ΕΠΑΣ της ΔΥΠΑ, για το σχολικό έτος 2023-24. Η προθεσμία υποβολής λήγει στις 10 Ιουλίου 2023.
The application is submitted exclusively via gov.gr at:
Specifically, the route is: gov.gr → Education → Education → Education Professionals → Vocational School Instructors (VET) Apprenticeship Instructors of the DYPA.
Candidates will be graded according to criteria that place greater emphasis on academic qualifications and professional experience (Government Gazette 3552/B/03-08-2021), with the ultimate aim of further upgrading of education in the PSYPA's Apprenticeship Training Centres and Apprenticeship Training Centres.
The 50 RTEs of DYPA apply the Apprenticeship system, which is the only western system in our country that combines theoretical and laboratory vocational training at the school with on-the-job-training in companies in real working conditions.
In the school year 2023-24, thirty high-demand specialisations will operate, eight of which are thematically and cognitively enriched in the context of green and digital skills development, as well as in the field of the blue economy.
The students of the PES:
- Carry out workplace learning with pay and insurance
- They study in modern laboratories with the necessary books and aids
- They are trained by experienced and well-trained educational staff
- They receive a housing allowance of €240 per month and a food allowance of €9 per day, with extended income criteria
- They are entitled to paid student leave of up to 30 days
- They are entitled to deferment of conscription
In addition to the 50 EPAS, there are 7 Experimental EPAS with three specialties in the field of tourism and hospitality, where innovative vocational training programmes are implemented in the following cities:
- Athens
- Heraklion
- Rhodes
- Mytilene
- Patras
- Thessaloniki
- Corfu
For the operation of the PEPAS, the CIPA cooperates with the German-Greek Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Institute of the Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises (INSETE), which have extensive experience in the field of vocational training and tourism. The students of PEPAS do apprenticeships with pay and insurance in large 4 or 5 star hotels.