February 23, 2025 5 min read
Cooperation on the circular economy in Athens


Memoranda of Understanding were signed between National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and the Institute of Small and Medium Enterprises of the GSEBEE, the Athens Chamber of Crafts, the Athens Chamber of Tourism Development and Promotion Company of the Municipality of Athens (EATA S.A.), the Association of Silversmiths of Athens and the Commercial Association of Athens. The purpose of the search for best practices related to the circular economy in quality of life. At the same time, the aim is to revitalise the centre of Athens.

The action is implemented in the framework of the INNOMED UP project:

"Promoting UPcycling in Circular Economy through INNovation and education for creative industries in MEDiterranean cities, concerning creative professions and their interconnection with the circular economy, in the historic centre of Athens".

At a relevant event held, in the context of which the memoranda of understanding were signed, it was noted that the general objective of this innovative project is:

  • propose a strategy for the regeneration of Mediterranean cities
  • by exploiting the productive, creative networks and their interconnection with the modern and necessary practices of the circular economy

In the context of the digital and green transition, cities are now facing an acute problem in terms of waste management. This calls for immediate and effective actions management of απορριμμάτων in particular.

This Euro-Mediterranean project is funded by the EU and the ENI CBC MED programme. The budget amounts to 3.1 million. euro (of which the 2.8 million. euros is a European participation) and is being implemented in seven Mediterranean cities:

  • Athens
  • the Prato
  • Palermo in Sicily
  • the city of Tunis in Tunisia
  • Hebron and Nablus in Palestine
  • Irbid in Jordan

Apart from the National Technical University of Athens, which is the coordinator of the project, also participating in the project are:

  • the consulting firm EPEM S.A.
  • the Municipalities of Prato and Tunis
  • the university of Birzeit and
  • the NGOs Future Pioneers (Jordan) and CRESM (Sicily)

NTUA has designed and built smart bins for the Circular Economy

It is noted in an announcement of the GSEVEE that the long-standing research engagement of the NTUA Research Group, which directs the project, with the Creative & Culture Industries (CCIs) has highlighted the fact that in Mediterranean cities there are active and strong networks of small craft, craft and creative businesses.

In the three years of implementation, the project has carried out numerous actions and has yielded significant results. But it aims to complete the key result. That is, the creation of pilot circular clusters in each participating city.

In this direction, some of the Small and Medium-Sized Cultural Creative Enterprises, which cooperate in various ways, will host (or already host)the smart bins, designed and built by NTUA. They will collect secondary materials from productive activities such as:

  • fabric and leather repellents
  • plastic
  • paper,
  • metal objects

The smart bins communicate via smart technology with the project's online platform, which collects and shares information in an open way. A smart bike (also made by NTUA) is notified to collects and distributes the materials in professionals, who will use for the their own constructions. Finally, six small and medium-sized enterprises have awarded, after a competitive public procedure, by the NTUA, with amounts already exploited for the the production of innovative pilot products, the acquisition of circular economy equipment and training on issues related to the circular production and distribution of products.

The Athenscluster network includes:

  • ten businesses that will host the smart bin
  • the six companies that were rewarded and
  • the five collaborating institutions, with which the NTUA has signed Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) and assist in the project activities and the communication of results.
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