Published no. 0.1503 Action: promotion of employment through Public Benefit Employment Programmes for 36,500 people in Municipalities, Regions, Regional Social Welfare Centres (CSWCs)/related bodies, Ministries and other agencies. The coveted public benefit work programme is therefore expected to start any day now, which will give "breathing space" to 36,500 unemployed people.
A subsequent Invitation will be issued at the end of April to the beginning of May, in accordance with the provisions of the decision. The Invitation will specify and/or define anything that is not mentioned in the terms of the decision. With the issuance of the public call, applications will start directly.
From the day the applications start, according to the Invitation, the deadline will be completed approximately 15 days later.
Employment Action Data for 36,500 unemployed
In particular, Public Employment Programmes, during the co-financed eight-month part of the programme, is aimed at all Municipalities, Regions, Social Welfare Centers of Regions (KKPP)/ related bodies, Services of Ministries and other bodies, except Municipalities, Regions, Social Welfare Centers of Regions (KKPP)/ related bodies, Services of Ministries and other bodies that fall under the Regions of Attica and South Aegean.
Beneficiaries who participated in the actions do not have the right to participate in the action. 9/2017, 4/2018, 8/2018, 8/2018, 10/2018 and 3/2019 public invitations of the OAED .
During the eight-month part funded by national resources, the Action is addressed to the Municipalities, Regions, Social Welfare Centers of Regions (KKPP) / related bodies, Services of Ministries and other bodies and areas that fall under the Regions of Attica and South Aegean in terms of employment action. The training action for all regions of the country, including Attica and the South Aegean, is part of the co-financed strand.
Public Employment Programmes - Purpose of action
- reconnecting the long-term unemployed and vulnerable groups to the labour market;
- upskilling the unemployed,
- meeting social needs and
- Matching the productive capacities of the unemployed with the needs of the local community.
Objective of the action for 36,500 unemployed
The object of the action is to promote the employment of unemployed registered in the OAED registers (beneficiaries) through their placement for a total period of eight (8) months in accordance with law. 4152/2013, as the public call specializes, in Municipalities, Regions, Social Welfare Centers of Regions (KKPP) / related bodies, Services of Ministries and other bodies (supervising bodies), as well as the participation in training for the further strengthening and upgrading of the qualifications and skills of the unemployed in combination with their employment towards the achievement of the goal of their integration / reintegration into the labor market.
Vocational counseling and training will take place in Lifelong Learning Centers licensed by the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP), which have the role of training provider. The participation of the beneficiaries in the action of counseling and training is mandatory.
Summing up the action includes:
- Placement in a specific job for 8 months in Municipalities, Regions, Social Welfare Centers of Regions (KKPP)/ related bodies and Services of Ministries and other bodies (for 36,500 unemployed)Pvw
- An individual professional counseling session in order to take into account the needs and desires of the beneficiaries
- Theoretical training program of 150 hours which will lead to the certification of the knowledge and skills that will be acquired in the framework of the training program which will necessarily monitor all beneficiaries
Beneficiaries of the action
Beneficiaries of the action are Greek citizens, citizens of Member States of the European Union, Northern Epirus, expatriates and expatriate foreigners coming from Constantinople and from the islands of Imbros and Tenedos, or expatriates from Egypt, without requiring a certificate of Greek citizenship nor the completion of one (1) year from its acquisition, provided that their status as Greeks according to gender and conscience is proved in other ways (Law 3832/1958), who belong to at least one of the following categories:
- unemployed, registered in the OAED unemployment registers, members of families in which no one works and their spouses are registered unemployed in the OAED unemployment registers,
- unemployed, registered in the unemployment registers of the OAED, members of single-parent families in which no one works,
- long-term unemployed, registered in the unemployment registers of the OAED,
- unemployed university and technological graduates, registered in the OAED unemployment registers, to fill positions based on formal qualifications,
- unemployed persons over the age of 29, registered in the unemployment registers of the OAED,
- registered in the registers of unemployed people with disabilities of the OAED and
- unemployed beneficiaries of "Social Solidarity Income (KEA)", registered in the unemployment registers of the OAED.
Public Benefit Labour Programmes - Selection criteria and system
Beneficiaries for the Public Benefit Labour Programmes are ranked in tables by sector and speciality based on the following selection and ranking criteria:
- period of continuous registered unemployment of a beneficiary, with a maximum of sixty (60) months
- period of continuous registered unemployment of the spouse of the unemployed of the above category, with a maximum of sixty months (60)
- disability of the beneficiary at a rate of 50% or more
- annual income of the tax year 2018, individual or family
- age
- number of minor children
- parent of protected or protected children with disabilities, minors or adults, with a disability rate of 67% or more
- beneficiaries of the Social Solidarity Allowance
- beneficiaries who were not placed in completed or under implementation actions "PROMOTION OF EMPLOYMENT THROUGH PROGRAMS OF PUBLIC BENEFIT" of the NSRF 2014-2020 programming period
Action Funding
The action is implemented in the form of a grant from the Public Investment Program (PIP) to the OAED in terms of its co-financed part (according to the deliverables of the project, as specified in the call) and from its resources
OAED as to the national part. For the co-financed part of the action, payments to the OAED are made as follows:
- The first instalment shall be paid upon the issue of the final reserve list and shall amount to 40% of the resulting budget after the completion of the procedure provided for in para. 2 of Article 8
- The second instalment is paid after the supervising bodies have completed 80% of the placement announcements out of the total number of successful unemployed in the final ranking list and amounts to 40% of the resulting budget after the completion of the procedure provided for in paras. 4 and 5 of Article 8. A prerequisite for payment is the collection of the entrance microdata of the beneficiaries by the supervising body
- The third and final instalment, which constitutes the repayment, is modulated according to the final filling of the positions in the supervising bodies and the time of employment of the beneficiaries in each of them and may amount to up to the remaining 20% of the initial budget of the action. It is paid with the certification of completion of the physical object of the action. A prerequisite for payment is the collection of all the exit microdata of the beneficiaries by the supervising body.
The call for the Public Benefit Labour Schemes issued in accordance with the provisions of Decision 0.1503/2020 will specify and/or define anything that is not mentioned in the terms of the Decision, in the framework of national and EU legislation.