"The submission of applications for inclusion in the aid scheme for manufacturing - Supply Chain of the new Development Law 4887/2022starts from today until 31 October 2022 ". This is noted in a post on social media by the Deputy Minister of Development and Investments, Nikos Papathanasis yesterday Wednesday 27/07/2022.
The Deputy Minister also states: "The submission of applications is done through the new Integrated Information System of the Development Law. Speed and simplification in a modern and friendly digital environment".
It is recalled that the first notice of the new Development Law 4887/2022 for the Manufacturing - Supply Chain Support Scheme was signed on 21 July 2022 by the Deputy Minister of Development and Investment, Nikos Papathanasis.
As stated in a relevant announcement, The new development law will substantially change the environment for granting state aid to private investment. The aim is to achieve as far as possible greater efficiency of public funds. It is noted that the Ministry of Development and Investments proceeded with all the necessary actions, achieving the amendment of the Regional Aid Map. Plus in Almost all regions of the country set very high aid ceilings with particular attention to transition areas. Also, for the first time, it is possible to grant aid for expenses not included in the Regional Aid Map, such as costs for consulting services to small and medium-sized enterprises, costs for recycling and reuse of waste, costs for vocational training, etc.
A particular, important innovation is the new Integrated Information System (I.P.S. – AN) which will support the entire "life cycle" of the investment plans of the Development Law. Through modern and automated methods, the simplification of procedures is achieved and reducing unnecessary bureaucracy in a particularly friendly environment for businesses with fast speeds.
Aid scheme Manufacturing - Supply chain
To qualify for the aid scheme: manufacturing - supply chain, the minimum eligible costs of the investment project are:
a. €1,000,000 for large enterprises
b. €500,000 for medium-sized enterprises
c. €250,000 for small businesses
d. €100,000 for micro-enterprises
e. 50,000 euros for Social Cooperative Enterprises (SCE), as well as Agricultural Cooperatives (A.S.), Urban Cooperatives, Producer Groups (OP) and Agricultural Partnerships (A.E.S.).
Applications can be submitted via the O.P.S. - An (https://opsan.mindev.gov.gr) from Wednesday 27 July 2022. For the full text of the notice and more information, you can browse the new website of the General Secretariat for Private Investment and PPPs: (https://ependyseis.mindev.gov.gr).