On Friday, July 21, the deadline for business applications for the Special Pre-employment Programme for unemployed young people, aged 18-29 years old, in the lignite areas of the Regions of Western Macedonia and Peloponnese affected by the effects of ligninization.
Of the total of 3,000 seats available, 2,700 have already been filled and therefore only 300 seats remain available.
The action is implemented in the framework of the "social package" of the DYPA to support employment and social cohesion in the lignite areas.
Beneficiaries are unemployed 18-29 years old and the duration of the programme is 7 months.
The FRA shall pay an allowance equal to the minimum wage and a proportion of bonuses and holiday pay.
The programme is aimed at private sector enterprises, as well as public sector enterprises, bodies and organisations and first and second tier local authorities that regularly carry out economic activity:
- in the Region of Western Macedonia and
- in areas of the Peloponnese Region (Municipalities of Megalopolis, Tripoli, Gortynia, Sparta, Oichalia, Kalamata)
The application procedure for the programme in lignite areas
The application process is simple:
- Businesses submit a single online application to the Integrated Information System of the CIPA, via the website: www.dypa.gov.gr
- The CFCA confirms that the undertaking fulfils the conditions
- The employment consultants of the DYPA indicate to the company candidates according to the qualifications required for the vacancy
- The company chooses from among the candidates and signs an agreement with the unemployed person
The project, with a total budget of 22.400.000 euros, is co-funded by the Greek State and the European Social Fund/Youth EmploymentInitiative, under the Operational Programme "Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2014-2020".