The platform is open for applications for 300 available positions of the 2,000 unemployed job subsidy programme, for unemployed persons aged 30 and over by the DYPA. The programme concerns Region of Attica. The deadline for applications is Sunday 25 September 2022 at 23:59.
The purpose of the program is the creation of 300 new full-time jobs. Beneficiaries are all private companies active in the Attica Region.
The duration of the program is 12 months. The monthly subsidy of wage and non-wage costs amounts to € 450 for the recruitment of unemployed and € 550 for the recruitment of long-term unemployed (over 12 months).
The program concerns unemployed people aged 30 and over, who are registered in the public employment services register for a period of at least one month.
To participate in the program, interested companies submit their vacancies electronically. They specify the specialty and the desired educational level. Then, PES's employment advisers indicate to the company the suitable candidates, according to the required qualifications of the vacant position. Then the company chooses among the candidates and hires the unemployed person.
The total budget of the program amounted to €12,000,000 and will be covered by the resources of PES.
For the Public Call and detailed information, please visit: http://www.dypa.gov.gr/anoikta-programmata.