February 23, 2025 5 min read
Call for Action: subsidies for existing businesses of gyms, playgrounds


The Call for Proposals for the Action: subsidies for existing gyms and playgrounds, with a total budget of €16 million, for the provision of working capital to gym and playground service providers, was published today.

The action is funded through the Operational Program "Competitiveness - Entrepreneurship - Innovation" (EPAnEK) of the NSRF 2014 - 2020 and concerns small and medium-sized enterprises, which have a main Nace Code or Nace Code with the largest revenues in the sector of providing services of gyms and playgrounds.

The Action for a non-repayable, non-confiscated and tax-free grant, in the form of Working Capital, was awaited with great interest in the sector that is currently significantly affected under the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19).

Subsidizing existing businesses of gyms, playgrounds - Who it concerns

Beneficiaries of the Action, i.e. businesses that may receive public funding under this Action, are micro, small and medium-sized enterprises providing gym and playground services that maintain a licensed
professional headquarters (in a separate area of their home), regardless of their legal form, which operate legally in the country and have started at the competent Tax Office before 1/1/2020.

Eligible sectors of activity

The eligible Nace Codes in at least one of which the undertaking to be assisted must be active are:

  • Gym services of special gymnastics (aerobics, pilates, yoga, etc.)
  • Gymnastics or non-gymnastics services
  • Karting track services
  • Playground services

Action budget

In each enterprise (distinct TIN), for the calculation of the corresponding public funding as a lump sum, the sum of the amounts of fields 581 (Employee benefits), 585 (Miscellaneous operating expenses) and 587 (depreciation) of the E3 tax form of 2019 is taken into account.

A horizontal rate of 25% shall be applied to the sum determined above, which shall be the amount of the total costs declared.

The maximum amount that can be granted as a lump sum, under the Action, is € 18,000 per beneficiary company.

Eligible costs

The grant per beneficiary company will be awarded as a lump sum to provide liquidity and cover future operating costs.

More specifically, indicative operating costs that are eligible for the Action, in the context of the application of simplified cost selection and the calculation of a lump sum, may be the following:

  • rents of professional premises,
  • costs of energy, fixed and mobile business telephony, water supply, heating, etc.,
  • expenses for third party fees (legal, consulting, accounting support, etc.),
  • promotion and networking costs (design and printing of brochures, posters, advertisements, costs of participation in professional exhibitions, corporate website, etc.),
  • consumables supply costs,
  • depreciation of fixed equipment (tangible and intangible),
  • salary costs of the company's personnel.

Duration of Action Implementation

The public funding paid in the form of a lump sum is intended to cover future eligible operating costs and in particular for a period of six (6) months from the date of the company's accession.

Integration process to the grant

The evaluation will be immediate and the disbursement of the grant will take place immediately after the inclusion and approval of the application

The starting date for the electronic submission of proposals to the State Aid Information System (www.ependyseis.gr/mis) is Monday 31/05/2021 at 12:00 with a deadline of Wednesday 28/07/2021
and at 17:00.

The evaluation will be immediate, on a first-come, first-served basis and the grant will be disbursed immediately after inclusion and approval of the application.

More information about the action here .

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