March 14, 2025 5 min read
Ανακοίνωση για αποτελέσματα Δράσης: Ενίσχυση της Αυτοαπασχόλησης Πτυχιούχων Τριτοβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης – ΕΣΠΑ 2014-2020


Το Υπουργείο Οικονομίας, Ανάπτυξης και Τουρισμού ανακοινώνει την ολοκλήρωση της αξιολόγησης των επενδυτικών σχεδίων που υποβλήθηκαν στο πλαίσιο αποτελέσματα Δράσης: Ενίσχυση της Αυτοαπασχόλησης Πτυχιούχων Τριτοβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης του Επιχειρησιακού Προγράμματος «Επιχειρηματικότητα, Ανταγωνιστικότητα και Καινοτομία 2014-2020».

"Strengthening Self-Employment of Higher Education Graduates - Action Results"
Already today, the Special Secretary of Sectoral Operational Programs ERDF & CF Evgenia Photoniata, signed the provisional list of 2,444 approved investment projects, with a total budget of € 62,033 million. These will be 100% supported. Η λίστα έχει αναρτηθεί στους δικτυακούς τόπους:, και

Despite the extremely large number of investment projects submitted, the evaluation was completed in a very short time. And at a limited cost, as a result of the simplifications introduced in the submission process. At the same time, changes in the way investment projects are assessed have enhanced transparency, ensuring equal treatment for all.

In the near future, beneficiaries will be asked to submit the physical file with the necessary supporting documents. With the award of the final results, the accessions will take place and the disbursement of the first financial aid will proceed in 2016.

Ενίσχυση της αυτοαπασχόλησης - Δηλώσεις για τα αποτελέσματα Δράσης

On the occasion of the completion of the evaluation, Deputy Minister Alexis Charitsis stated:

"The evidence shows that our interventions were appropriate and the changes we made yielded the goals we had originally set. Our political choice is to utilize the NSRF in the direction of shaping a new production model with emphasis on innovation and extroversion, where the highly trained human resources that the country has will star. This action, in combination with other actions funded by the European Social Fund and already announced, such as the strengthening of postdoctoral research and the acquisition of teaching experience by young doctorates, is part of a series of targeted initiatives to stem the migration wave of the country's new scientific potential (brain drain) and turn it into a brain gain."

It is worth noting that the largest number of investment projects were approved for the regions:

Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Central Macedonia, Epirus, Thessaly and Western Greece.

This significantly strengthens the region. Young scientists are given the opportunity to stay in their place, operating in a sustainable and dynamic way, giving it a development perspective.

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