February 22, 2025 5 min read
Aid of ECU 411.5 million 2.527 Accessions for small and medium-sized tourism enterprises – Strengthening the Establishment and Operation of New Tourism SMEs


According to today's Press Release published by the Ministry of Economy and Development, the following is announced Completion of the evaluation process of the 7,297 investment projects submitted to the action: Strengthening the Establishment and Operation of New Tourism Small and Medium Enterprises. High investment demand and the need to support as many viable and quality investment projects as possible led to the decision to increase the available public funding, as already announced in September.

In accordance with the 4th Amendment of the Call, 100 million euros were added to the initial available public expenditure by the EPANEK from the resources of 11 Regional Operational Programmes and at the same time the funding was doubled. from the EPANEK from EUR 120 million to EUR 240 million. euro.

The total public expenditure - including the overcommitment - amounts to 411,552,544 euros, enabling 2,527 Inclusions of investment projects with a total eligible subsidized budget of 802,181,500 euros, of which 1,786 are included in the EPANEK (REIT) and 741 are included in the Regional Operational Programs. In the coming days, the results will be posted on the websites of the Operational Programmes.

In a statement, the Deputy Minister of Economy and Development Stathis Giannakidis said: "The great interest in accessions and the tripling of public expenditure give the mark of the expectations to which the government responds. The action is a very important opportunity for the utilization of public and community resources in the development of tourism investments with multiplier benefits for the economy and the substantial support of employment in the country and its regions".

2.527 Entries for the aid - Geographical breakdown by Region

According to the attached documents, the geographical distribution of the 2,527 small and medium-sized tourism enterprises that will be included is as follows:

  • 305 companies in the Attica Region
  • 309 companies in the South Aegean Region
  • 87 companies in the North Aegean Region
  • 293 businesses in the Region of Crete
  • 222 businesses in the Ionian Islands Region
  • 291 businesses in the Region of Epirus
  • 130 companies in the Region of Western Greece
  • 150 businesses in the Peloponnese Region
  • 86 companies in the Region of Central Greece
  • 372 businesses in the Region of Central Macedonia
  • 144 businesses in the Region of Eastern Macedonia & Thrace
  • 4 businesses in the Region of Western Macedonia
  • 134 businesses in the Thessaly Region

See more information about the action here.

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