March 18, 2025 5 min read
Aid amounting to ECU 31 million euro in the agricultural sector


The transfer of appropriations from the Ministry of Finance through the General Accounting Office of the State, to the Ministry of Rural Development and Food , amounting to 31 million euros which will be directed to the agricultural sector This aid for the agricultural sector is intended for crops:

  • table olives
  • of lavender
  • of dried figs
  • of autumn and industrial potatoes
  • of mandarin clementine
  • of tobacco

It is recalled that the European Commission approved last week the aid scheme for the above products. It is noted that from the above, appropriations amounting to ECU 15 million euros for the compensation of table olives, lavender and dried figs, had been transferred to the Ministry of Rural Development and Food in 2021.However, they had not been consumed within the year, as the above approval of the Commission was expected.

In the immediate future, based on the Commission's decision and the above approval of the appropriations, the relevant Joint Ministerial Decisions are expected to be issued, in order to pay the relevant aid.

Aid to the agricultural sector to increase prices

It is reminded that the agricultural sector, through the policies of the Ministry of Finance, is strengthened with a series of measures to address the increases in energy and raw materials, such as:

  • The permanent reduction of VAT on animal feed, from 13% to 6%
  • The permanent reduction of fertilizer VAT from 13% to 6%
  • The return of EFK diesel to farmers, for 2022
  • Support for livestock farmers for feed price increases

It should be noted that through the measure of the repayable advance and other measures to address the economic consequences of the health crisis Some EUR 300 million have been made available for this purpose. euros to support the primary sector;and an additional EUR 162 million. euros have been allocated by the Ministry of Finance to the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, in the years 2020 and 2021, to support the sectors affected by the pandemic.

Many initiatives have been taken by other ministries, such as the Ministry of Environment and Energy by subsidizing part of the increased energy costs, but also the Ministry of Rural Development and Food.

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